How do you guys study after work !? Need help

Hi guys ,

I am very concerned about my CFA L2 exams cming up this June . I have a 9-6 Job , BUT when I reach home I am really burnt out and tiered and cause of which I find it extremly hard to force myself to study

along with that even when I study in the evenings , the next day because of my work I loose focus on studying and mostly forget what I learnt .

What do you guys do to beat the tieredness etc … ?



You start your wort at 9? If yes, i think you could wake up earlier maybe at 5 and start your study until 7.30 and then you can prepare yourself for your work. I am a L1 Candidate and i don’t have any experience about CFA yet. But i tried this method while i was preparing my German Exams. I think it quite works rather than you try to study with your bad moon… I wish this would be helpful and good luck!

Just to prepare you for the inevitable… there’s a lot of people out there who have successfully studied and passed these exams working days way longer than 9-6. You just have to find a routine that works for you and sometimes it takes awhile.

The above advice is good, try waking up earlier and studying before work. Do you get a lunch break? There’s 30-60 minutes you can look at stuff. What’s your commute like? If you take public transportation you should be able to study on there. Some people just have difficulties studying on the weekdays altogether, so you can go at it hard on Saturdays and Sundays and make up the hours. Do you study at home? Try going to a coffee shop or a library to mix it up.

As far as fatigue goes… I’ve always been a big fan of just shutting my eyes for 20 min if I am at that point where I’m so tired I can’t retain anything which usually is enough to get me through another couple hours of studying.

Um…discipline? Ask yourself, how much do you want this? 9-6 leaves you more than enough time to relax a bit after work, get some fresh air, maybe a movie and then there is still time to study 2-3 hours. Easy

This is true.

I would suggest studying on the weekends (or whatever 2 days you’re off).

If you are still worried, maybe even taking some time off from your job to study would be best for you.

Put in for some PTO and get at the books.

Take a look at this thread and read through it, there is some good advice in there.

Setting a weekly goal for study hours and keeping a study log might help motivate you. Also, be sure to take an evening off every couple of weeks to do something fun.

Self-discipline strongly required, not just recommended. This exactly means that you have to make fights inside each and every day to force yourself to study. Good thing, after several weeks of this kind of training, this process is getting easier to obtain, of course only if you’re strongly dedicated and motivated to exam passing goal.

Create more hours

Utilize down time during your work day for study time.

take a 45 minute-1 hour break after you get home, then crush studying for 3-4 hours.

eat, shower, sleep

Don’t go home…study at your office after work. I always did that. It’s not that you’re burnt out or tired (i mean…you work 9-6 so that’s highly unlikely)…it’s the fact that you get home and your bed and couch are there staring you in the face. Just stay at work and study there.


Thanks alot guys for the sugestions . I will try to incorporate one by one . lets hope things work out and I clear my CFA L2 .

Agree, Mon-Fri I study at the office after hours. Its quiet and you’re already in work mode so keep rolling. Then I just have dinner at 7.30 and study while eating. Head home after that.

When you say 9-6 it doesnt sound like long hours at all but i think i know where youre coming from. Some people are just extremely focussed at work and working solidly for that long can really take it out of you. If you are tired its difficult to dip in and out of study even for an hour or two after work. I used to listen to the audio recordings of the study text, that way i was learning but without having to be that proactive after work. It does add to your knowledge and understanding but most of all doing it little by little keeps the momentum going which is the main thing.
