Money is an integral part of all of lives. As such, it should be important to all of us. What I’m arguing is that compensation for jobs should parallel the intrinsic value it brings to society as opposed to the value it returns to the individual. You can argue that risk takers should be rewarded. But the risk/reward structure is heavily tilted in favor of the financial industry. For example if you create a new trade algorithrim/strategy or financial product how many stages of FDA testing/approval is involved? Do you ever have to worry about piracy or patents? Do you have to worry about buying comercial slots or hiring expensive celebrities for advertisment? Also there is bascially no COGS involved and the rewards are almost instantaneous. As such, non financial related entrapreneurs/companies should be compensated more for their risks because of the higher costs to entry/maintanence and the more complex risks involved. If companies/individuals are rewareded based on the overall impact their services/goods provide to society, then these industries will be able to attract the much needed collegiate talents with their six figure debt loads. While it is fine making money from finding value, wouldn’t it be better making more money by finding a solution?