If not starbucks what brand of coffee ( ground or whole) do you consume at home ?

It hurts me inside to see. And idiotic spending practices like this are what result in higher taxation for all of us, as well as increased minimum wage and other fiscally liberal policies because people claim to be poor at an income higher than what is truly destitute because they frivolously spend their money on stupid stuff.

Dark roasts have less caffeine so I rarely drink dark.

Have to agree here. And it’s 3 bucks. And I like it.

The coffee at my office is watery garbage.

Thanks. I’ll look if there is a 2 in 1version of chemex - I am severely limited in space.

I actually agree with you on this one. even worse is the cost of tea since coffee culture took hold, they charge the same for it even though it will make 10 cents to make but people still buy it.

The most sickening statistic in business is that Starbucks spends more on healthcare for their employees than they do on coffee beans

Vandelay - what do you do for coffee?

^ I’d assume he drinks nothing but tap water all day every day.

Damn Starbucks and their communism!

at home - i chose an apartment that offers a free coffee lounge/bar. If I did not have that option I would use off brand homemade coffee made in a coffee pot. Dozens and dozens of pots of coffee for $2.50

At work- free work coffee.

Oh btw, my friend says his company makes them pay for coffee in their kitchen. $.25 a cup. Has anyone heard of this? I was blown away. First time I had ever heard of that

I dont blame starbucks one bit. I blame the idiotic, lazy, awful spenders their support their outrageous prices.

^ How are they any different than people who spend $17 on a haircut when they can get one for $9.99?

so you’re saying the government should intervene and cap prices for coffee?

Yeah, then you should pay $2 for an empty cup and .04 for coffee.You also have to buy cups if you wanna buy coffee.

Does your apartment provide you an itemized statement showing how much of your rent goes into the coffee bar? The fact that you think it’s free is hysterical.

I don’t want to be bothered to clean out a mug and my office decaf coffee is garbage so I’ll pick up a decaf SBUX or Tim Horton’s on the way in. No shame. The cost to me of cleaning out a moldy mug of inferior tasting coffee is higher than the cost of my $2.50 SBUX. If I was improverished like Vandy, then I’d drink water instead. But many of us make enough cash here that $2.50 is less than the marginal value of our labour to brew a pot and clean.

if you ask for a grande in a venti cup, they give you more. also you can ask for no or reduced ice cool

Can also buy beans here:


Anyone into cold brew? Try this version: Use a coarse grind and submerge the grinds overnight in high fat whole milk instead of water. Strain it and drink it the next day. Very good.

A quality haircut contains a tangible value. It’s a capital expenditure in the business of yourself. A bad one can mar your perception while a decent one can make you look on top of your game. An overall yearly difference of 12 haircuts a year * ($17-$10) is only $84, while $2,50 a day every day of the year adds up to be $912.5 and that extra cost if for nothing more than supposed taste and the laziness of not wanting to spend a minute making coffee