Just read your bio along with others’ . I think you added the “amateur horseman” part just to impress Ms Jodi Joachim
I’ve been blissfully married for over 33 years; I don’t need to impress Ms anybody.
“The Most Interesting Man in the World”
I think we need to establish a beer fund for S200
S2000magician, so is ‘swaption’ a real word
He moonlights as Sir Richard Branson in his spare time.
Ask my wife.
(So . . . where did we meet?)
That’s hilarious!
It made my afternoon! Thanks so much!
As promised:
- If I were to take one of the CFA exams – and I thank God that I no longer have to – I would have to study for a while to be able to pass it. Maybe a month, leisurely: 50 – 60 hours, I’d guess. (Sounds like bragging, don’t it?)
- I started learning magic when I was 8 years old. Two things happened that year that got me hooked. The first was that I joined the Cub Scouts: the father of one of the other boys in my Cub pack was a member at The Magic Castle in Hollywood, and did a show for us every year. The second was that at our school’s end-of-the-year carnival they had a magician, and I was one of the audience members asked to come up on stage and help. I do mostly close-up magic (cards, coins, rubberbands, that sort of thing), but I do some stage work as well. It takes years to learn some sleights or effects; one effect that I perform regularly took me three years to learn. It’s very enjoyable, and useful, too; when I teach a course in project risk management, people don’t remember the instructor, but they always remember the magician.
- For 10 years I designed single- and multiple-explosively formed penetrator (EFP, and MEFP) warheads for U.S. Army Armament Research, Development and Engineering Center (ARDEC). The idea of an EFP is that when the warhead detonates, a metal plate (called a liner: usually copper or tantalum) is accelerated and formed into an aerodynamically stable projectile that flies toward the target at 2.0 – 3.0 km/sec. In an MEFP, the liner fragments into a number of projectiles. I developed many computer-aided design techniques for designing the liners. At least 10 years after I left ARDEC, my design methodology was still state-of-the-art: I found an ARDEC paper presented at a warhead conference that showcased some of my design work
That’s about it for now.
sweet your like the real tony stark w/ a cfa
That’s pretty cool. In my opinion close-up magic is the most entertaining type. I think it’s fun trying to guess how the heck did you do that…
S2000 i always assumed you were Andy Holmes
I met Andy in Toronto in late April.
Andy’s cool! (He’s threatened to mail us his Jack Russell terrier; my wife keeps checking the porch for a parcel: nothing so far.)
On a side note thought Andrew Holmes was the best instructor in the video series. He kept every lesson interesting with his jokes, and had this ability to break down the hardest concepts.
Yes but Andy wasn’t on these forums answering questions 24 hrs before the exam like S2000 was!!
Holy crap, the Magic Castle comment took me back! I went there with a family friend who was a member back in the 90s (I was 10 years old or so), and was picked as a volunteer. They did the old ‘red ball trick’ and stole my watch in the process. So much fun!

Holy crap, the Magic Castle comment took me back! I went there with a family friend who was a member back in the 90s (I was 10 years old or so), and was picked as a volunteer. They did the old ‘red ball trick’ and stole my watch in the process. So much fun!
The place is a blast!
Although there are many magicians who do sponge balls and watch steals, with luck you got to see a good friend of mine: Whit Haydn. He’s an undisputed master.
hey u should post this stuff in the level 3 forums as well hahaha s2000 helped quite a bit of us there as well

hey u should post this stuff in the level 3 forums as well hahaha s2000 helped quite a bit of us there as well
If you start the thread, I’ll post the bio.