Iteracom's feelings are hurt

You need to get off of the internet dude, you are going to have a heart attack.


confused ohai with iteracom


So you got drunk last night and bumped a dozen old threads…Try to use some moderation when bumping. Otherwise you just knock new threads off the front page and into the wasteland where only you find them again.

theres a lot of bitching and whining in this thread

there are like 2 good threads going on right now. some of the old stuff is much better.

mb you can start good threads instead of accusing folks of getting drunk and bumping threads.

p.s. it was 4 or 5 threads

Chill bro. Just saying you bump a lot of threads. I find it interesting that you spend so much time in the depths of the AF archives.

im pretty chill. i had some free time and was looking for few things and bumped a few threads, not dozen, in about 15 minutes - which isnt really “so much time”.

last time i did bump something i was drunk but that was like few months back.

Ooooh, cat fight!


are your feelings hurt :wink:

Sad Donkey Kong

Where is Itera? I don’t think he’s posted for a long-time; and don’t recall if he even commented on bchad. Strange.

He disappeared basically that same day.

whoaaaaaa. thats crazy cuz they were so different.

Has anybody actually met Itera in person? Apparently he was of Asian decent; we know bchad wasn’t.

^how do we know that, just because he liked wendy?

^ I believe he (Itera) mentioned it in a thread one time when bchad and others were discussing board members etc; it may have been when Monkey was around and he was going off on a rant about all the board being white Americans etc.

someone revealed in another thread that itera was actually asian and female.