niche lending you say? as in lending or underwriter analyst?
as in lending to private firms and checking their collateral and financials, etc?
OP, your monthly expenses total 1,000 pounds per month that includes mortgages, bills, and travel?? your mortgage must be around 140k or less…anywho…take the job
How does levered up make it better, more leverage = higher payments. At any rate that is peanuts. Even a 30Y mortgage at an artificially low rate (well below UK market) of 2% and 25% down (75% LTV is standard over there) still puts you at $2,200 USD on $800,000 USD home. I know enough about UK real estate to know that’s unreasonable on all levels.
When I said levered, I meant I have high mortgage and higher repayments. It’s not better or worse… I don’t really care. But the point is, it’s peanuts.
mate, why are you even giving this a second thought? It sounds like you’ve been in your current role too long and you’re in a rut. This is the type of scenario where you’d be a few months in and wondering why you ever doubted yourself. The client schmoozing thing is a lot easier than people think. I didn’t come naturally to me but you get used to it once you know the score.
Even if this new role does turn out to be rubbish or if you get canned you’ll still have good experience on your cv that will open doors and a much bigger salary.
£100k all-in in London is on the breadline. How did you get on the property ladder? Are you in Slough or something.
Brexit happened - they gave the job to one of the other guys who used ti be a prop trader The MD that wanted to hire me was overuled by one of the big big boys.
No big deal though. There are a couple of other gigs which are could happen internally. I’m looking at something else which will be more interesting in the long term and has PE exit opp.
I got a 1hr modeling test tomorrow to see if i can cut the mustard.