
yeah I mean after college I was placed in SCM Management Consulting for the DoD but moved internally to corporate finance as I like analytics

ooo, that’s a sweet job, congrats! When I worked in auto (not nearly as good a position as you) girls at my alumni meetings kinda scoffed at it. Now that I realize how much money most finance and accounting people make, I now know that I made more than most of them almost every year.

dude while i was in college and even several years after college, i was the dude who thought high finance job or bust. but hearing my fellow college friends who are in “accounting” as finance managers at google and microsoft making 230k and 160k respectively while their work hours rival that of junior high teacher…i thought to myself what the ef am i doing here at 9pm looking at past quarterly data…

Those are top shelf accounting jobs. If you want to compare those to “finance”, you have to use somewhat upper percentile positions, that almost definitely pay more than that, especially for the location.

Answer the question plz and pizza tank.

Mason-Dixon is generally called the 40th parallel.

35th parallel is approximately the southern borders of Tennessee and North Carolina.

I’ll take it. 160k in Redmond, WA is like 300K in NYC lmao.

the dude from college lives in this town called sammamish freaking beautiful city and neighborhood. 20 min commute to his work and lives in a 3,500 sq ft house on half acre in a great school zone for $1.1mm. In NYC, you will get a 400 sq ft studio in pre war building aka elevator is optional. He plays golf at the site of the PGA Championship which is doorsteps away from his house. I am really beginning to lean towards that lifestyle.

Time for CPA? lol

Check your state certification board requirements. Some of them are … excessive.

Although I suppose you could get certified in an “easy” state like California (no accounting hours requirements), then move elsewhere.

wait 160k in redmond buys you a 1.1 mil house. im there

you can go but what are you gonna do there?

of course it is very doable. Just do the math.

He could easily secure 600k in loans and down pay 500k…given you could rent a 1 bedroom for 1000 a month…you do this for few years and you’ll have some money in the bank…this guy got out of college in 09 and worked for MS since in Seattle. At the time he was bragging that his 1 bed was 650 a month.

wait he has 500k cash…oh boy im in

oh yeah i know you want it but just as the case with hot girls the real question is will they let you?

I want Corp Dev and Strat Manager job at MSFT but got dinged couple months ago on the first interview

Yeah, even with the higher compensation, there is definitely a lifestyle compromise if you choose to live in an expensive area. Although, I should say that the very fact that you are paid more means that there is an option to downgrade your lifestyle and significantly increase your rate of capital accumulation. Meaning that you can choose to live like sh*t in San Francisco and save your Google money. However, even if you live like sh*t somewhere cheaper, you will save less money overall. Plus, people tend to be attracted to the brand of having worked in one of those places. Of course, that experience stays with you if you choose to move somewhere more livable later.

How much you make infinity?

whats a strat manager?

not sure if you’re trolling me or serious?

corporate strategy managers are an in house IB and research members. They look for ways to grow the company by searching for possible investments to take a non controlling stake or straight out acquire them. You can call this a buy side M&A team.

My salary is good for area, but just found out I could have negotiated 20-30% higher. Time to ask for a promotion in 3 mo after I prove myself. I like this setup though it’s cool.

Another thing that I’m happy about though is I’m kinda of a go go go always on type of person. You can probably tell as I’m just jamming AF a lot, but I’m pretty non/stop in business and business talk in general. It was to the extent that my COO and I were talking business for about two hours straight over some vodka drinks with the crew more or less BSing about the dimes they have encountered the last week.

I caught myself and was like, bro, I’ve been shoving business talk and financial strategy at you for hours, is it cool we talk business after hours? COO says he loves it. It does make sense though as he has a large base salary and equity in the company, but sometimes people can’t handle my intensity, which is why NYC was a great fit for a couple of years as a lot of people are similar.

So thinking about that today im pretty chill with the team and glad the COO is always on like me. When we got to the bar last night my subordinate was so burnt out from the week he was just dead and couldn’t handle any sort of business talk at all so I just have that brah some space.

Met the CEO today

He’s so baller

Dude fist bumps as well

Like it’s the summer, can’t I just go to one of his yacht parties?