Just remember that an army marches on its stomach. Even when it’s not marching. In the short run, guns trump resources. In the long run, resources trump guns. In the middle run… things get interesting.
you think this KIM gets babes? hot classy ones?
well the former dictator had a steady stream of swedish prostitutes. Not hard to get if you rule a country
forget running a fund, i want to run a country than.
Brilliant assessment Hillary. Maybe because in Egypt and other countries where people “revolted,” they had access to outside media and they weren’t starving to death. North Koreans have no idea what goes on outside of their country. Take a look at satelite pictures of the Korean peninsula. South Korea is all lit up while North Korea is basically pitch black because electricity is limited. Highways are empty because there is no gas. Google “Vice Guide to North Korea” if you want to watch a good documentary on N Korea. You might learn something.
2011 seems to be a bad year for dictators, they either die or get evicted from power. http://www.npr.org/2011/12/21/144069136/2011-has-been-a-rough-year-for-dictators
Poor Vaclav Havel. A literary giant in his own country, who mobilized dissidents and became the first post-communist president of Czechoslovakia. He has the sad fate of dying within 24 hours of Kim Jong Il, so the world basically forgets about him. Proof positive that the evil men do lives after them, the good is oft interred with their bones.