KimK has herpes?

That will be inconclusive. Don’t catholics also unhood the cobra?

I definitely have it based on my sexual habits and what all those well intending liberal after school specials told us. However, I hear it doesn’t present itself in men usually. My girlfriend always likes to tell me that she is going to the gyno and that she should be clean unless there is something I’m not telling her about. Well, there are lots of things. But yet she keeps coming back with a clean chit. I’m really starting to doubt that these diseases exist. It’s all just propaganda that libs keep feeding us to prevent us from having hetero sex. Check out what the CDC has to say about it. It’s something like this: your odds of getting AIDs from having vaginal sex with a woman who is HIV positive are something like 1:10,000. That’s a woman who definitely has aids. Starsky didn’t get aids. Neither will we.* *Caveat: so long as its only vaginal and not anal. So long as you don’t share needles.

on a semi-related note, apparently Kim K “donates” 10% of her income to a church founded by her mom. She brags about it for some positive publicity everytime someone puts a camera in her face. the sketchy church meets once a week in a sheraton hotel in agoura hills ( - why isnt the IRS all over that scam!

Wait, why does the government subsidize religion again? As for that Life Change thing… I’m not sure what to make of it, but their website kind of creeps me out.

Edit: Ok I guess they have some community service, which is good. It’s a bit sketchy that their only event for September is the “Volunteer Appreciation Luncheon”.

Well, this is the same Kim K that has an ebay charity auction site. She takes mad publicity and donates old clothes, etc, that often sell for a premium - for charity. The only problem is she keeps 90% of the procedes.

On one side, I understand the govt is attempting to subsidize charities and most charities are affiliated with religions (relgious group donations are a huge segment of charitable gifts, so it makes sense for organizations to do this). On the other side, the churches themselves often keep large amounts of money for themselves and pay for elaborate services, social events and facilities. So, I definitely have a problem with that. In the end, I feel like only donations to charities should be subsidized and church donations should not be. For many people, the church has become sort of a social club and I don’t think fees for your social club should be subsidized by the govt.

Let’s just get rid of taxes.

It’s real, feel free to google image dick herpes if you have any doubts.

The reality is this: 1 in 4 or 5 people have it. Most people don’t know they have it because the virus doesn’t express, but they can still pass it on at random intermittent times due to virus shedding. Same thing for people that do express it, they can pass it on at any time.

1 in 4 or 5 women also have HPV. Most of the HPV strands are harmless, but a few cause cervical cancer, and a few others cause horrendous warts on your dick. True story.

HIV is widely overblown and you are extremely unlikely to get it even if you have risky 1970s sex, unless you’re also having butt secks or sharing needles. But it’s still scary because it kills you, often pretty quickly.

If you sleep with a lot of women, you have to mentally wrap your mind around the fact that you will eventually get herpes or HPV. Condom use doesn’t save you either because you can get both of them on your balls.

50% of Americans contract an STD in their life times, mostly the above ex the HIV, as well as the clap.

KimK almost certainly has herpes, probably expressing itself on a daily or near-daily basis.

And the other 10% is the EBAY transaction fee, LOL!

This cracks me up. Yeah, it’s for charity… haha

just from watching her show, i get a sense Kim K is a very very selfish person…very materialistic and extremely deceiving…

^ That’s what it takes to make it.

A girl that is selfish & materialistic??

really? I never knew girls could be like that! shocking.

/end sarcasm

This and the Muslim Pope comment made this thread.