LA Olympics in 2028

Paris isn’t even top 5 by population

Well it’s the biggest by metropolitan area. Or at least it is if you exclude Moscow and Istanbul. Not sure if you include those if its still top. I guess you could make London top by various measures too.

That list you gave is totally bogus though. Very arbitrary measure of city limits.

a) not Europe’s largest city

b) What metric are you using for Paris being more stable than London? In terms of the efficacy of the attacks Paris has been much worse and the threat remains higher. Brexit has caused economic instability but isn’t linked to any civil unrest

c) London olympics were before brexit and more importantly before the huge influx of migrants into the Shengen area that started in 2015.

France sucks!

This is the first rational thing I’ve seen posted by this account!

Pfft, you’re just salty that I speak the truth and nothing but the truth so help me god!

I don’t have much to contribute to this other than I went to Paris for the first time a few months ago and it was the coolest city I’ve ever been to. France most certainly does not suck. Wtf.

Frog legs and stinky blue cheese. Fuck that, I’m out!

^not to mention snails. but their chicks are hot? just assuming cuz canadians are hot.

Are you French Canadian - you speak French?

Is this a reference I’m not getting?

french pop from entourage.

but honestly the real singer is ugly af.