Lack of motivation

I’m getting the Schweser Level 3 books today. They are going to sit directly on top of the box of CFAI books which I have still not opened.

MOTIVATION : my name and beside it the words PASS LEVEL 3 .


COMN PPL 6 more hours and we finish this

6 more hours and you may finish it. Solid chance though that you’ll just have a shitty day, make some poor guesses, and get f’ing hosed and be right back to square one next year talking about motivation.

This is the Hell that I am in.

You could study, make all the right preparations and plans, perform your best, answer questions correctly (because you studied so much and you know the material), get a “pass” on the final exam, exult in your victory over the last three years, and live in glee forever.

Or you could be like this guy.

Now that’s how to think positively!!!

Don’t worry I’m a good positive thinker. Obama won the election and he’s gonna look out for people like me, he promised.

there is no such thing as hard or difficult , read the books , practice questions and do mocks and u will pass.

end of story, now back to work.

sharpy are you reading schweser or cfai text? how far along are you and second are you making any notes and how are you planning to revise.

i use cfai books , almost done with book2. i will use kaplan to sum things up in jan.

i plan to start reviewing by mid march.and may for exams.

I finally found the motivation to crank up my studies for L3.

I started a new job two months ago in a relatively small research department. Before taking the job, I knew that the head of the department was a charterholder, but did not realize just how vocal and proud of it he is. Apparently the guy is really gung-ho about the designation. One person joked to me that if he doesn’t mention “CFA” at least three times during the course of office chatter each day, then something must be wrong. So the thought occurred to me that I could really get on his good side by passing L3.

Then, I learned this week that three of my colleagues will be taking L3 as well…so now I’ve got some peer pressure to deal with.

Thank goodness I’m a retaker and know what L3 is all about and where I likely went wrong last time. Think I might order the Schweser flashcards this time around…

Good luck dapoopa! It is good to have motivation for taking the CFA…may the odds be always in your favour

Yep, Good luck dapoopa!

You are already on good ground, since you have the motivation and know what the exam is like!

A general note of motivation. I often find myself enjoying anything but what is the most pressing. When exams are close, I even enjoy doing the dishes by hand – and I own a dish washer, lol. I guess being aware of it might be a way of handling it. Also, if I find that am completly turned off by beginning to study a short walk with deep thoughts of why I started something is also helpful. If I have procrastinated something for a long while and finally start studying, I often find myself enjoying the subjects and thinking: SHAME I DIDN’T START EARLIER!

If I come across something that I find really, really hard, that can also put a huge dent in my confidence and the negative energy puts a downward pressure on motivation. To handle this I go to something which is easier and pick up on the hard stuff after a good rest. I also use the internet a lot to find many explanations of the hard stuff.

Positive thoughts, rest and focus on tasks at hand is what is most important. And put those dishes down! :smiley:

Same here!

Need some motivation, atleast to start. To end, it comes automatically. I never had motivation except when I started with the program.

Unfortunately, I couldn’t relate myself to any of the motivating stories here as well…:frowning:

Hope we guys start soon and finish this race with flying colors…:slight_smile:

Good Luck!!

I thought studying for CFA was all about not having a life (during that time), leave alone a style :frowning:

Just havent yet touched my books yet friends, scary but I think I am taking a gamble. Also the last month, there is a chance that I could be in Orlando, Florida along with my wife. My wife is invited for some conference there and I can tag along with her and be a tour in and around Florida for 10 days.

So actually should start studying sooner, but I havent :frowning:

From someone who just passed L3 this past year after sitting for 5 exams my advice on motivation is to imagine once you’ve passed:.

-opening that results email and reading “congratulations you’ve passed”

  • telling your wife/husband or significant other

  • calling your parents to tell them

  • going into work and having everyone congratulate you (my boss sent an email out to our company and i must have received over 100 direct replies)

  • any conversation at a dinner party or work event when someone knows how hard it is to get a CFA and they tell you how big of an accomplishment it is

-putting “CFA” after your profile on LinkedIn

-putting CFA on your email signature

-accepting your charter at your local ceremony for new members

-hanging the framed charter in your house/office/apartment

-sitting in an interview and hearing the person tell you how impressed they are that you completed the program

I know it’s difficult to stay motivated but I can tell you that completing it is worth all of the work. After college there aren’t many events in life that you’ll receive so much praise for. This is one of them and it is highly respected by anyone who knows anything about finance. Maybe I’m shallow but for all of the reasons above i’m really happy i stuck it out and completed the program.

Good luck everyone.

Still haven’t started. Thinking that I might crack the books open after Jan 1st.