My ship has come in. “One of the Presidents most trusted advisers”!

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Have you figured out yet you are watching a movie?

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Of course, he’s not going to listen to your advice any more than he listens that the advice of any of his other advisers, trusted or not.

Rats on a sinking ship and threats all around. “You better keep your mouth shut!” Are you enjoying the show as much as I am?

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MSM: Yo! Look here, not there.

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My take away from yesterday, its going to be awfully hard to justify pro life when you’re willing to sacrifice the lives of the elderly in order to jump start the economy.

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not all life is equal. some are much shorter than others :slight_smile:

”Please do not take medical advice from a man who looked directly at a solar eclipse,” – H. Clinton

Even in these times, she’s trying to divide the nation, unlike President Trump who has been working so hard to bring Americans together after Obama’s disastrous presidency, very sad.

How, exactly, is he trying to bring Americans together?

It’s like what Charlie Munger says about problem solving, sometimes you have to invert. Instead of asking, how do I bring people together? You ask, what is dividing people? and address that issue. He is addressing things head on, like the fake news (enemy of the people), Pelosi’s bill that includes tons of pork that would be a waste of taxpayer dollars and has nothing to do with the coronavirus, and on and on, all of which divide this nation.

back when obama was in charge, the republicans were the issue. now that trump is in charge, the democrats are the issue. why cant we all rally with our presidents during times of crisis as we once did.

“He’s addressing things head on.”

What, exactly does that mean? Can you cite one specific thing that he’s doing (or has done recently) that is designed to bring Americans together? Something positive, not merely name calling?

What’s funny is that I’m a life-long Republican, and would love to have a Republican president who is actively doing things to bring Americans together and benefit the country as a whole. I haven’t seen anything from Trump that qualifies on either point.

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Trump wants to end lock-downs despite the advice of just about every single medical professional. It’s almost as if he has some sort of conflict of interest… hmm I wonder if owning hotels has anything to do with it?

He’s a disaster this is actually a plus for him politically because it covers the massive bubble he’s been pumping for three years. The only thing he’s taking head on is how to get re-elected and keep his and his and his buddy’s businesses in tact when the smoke clears. Morons think he looking to help the working man. What a joke.

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Wow qanon called it

lol honestly if things went all msoothly then his tax deductions boosted th economy and he will come out as a hero. unfortunately earnings tank due to corona. and now we are spending even more money we dont have. so trumps presidentcy is now mired with failure. debt can make anyone look like a genius, but it only takes a pullback for it to make you look like an idiot. he hsould be voted out of office now. with that said the stimulus package was swift, large, and bipartisan. if it was the dems in charge, i imagine we would have a slower response and more bickering from the repubs.

There’s plenty of money to go around. You all need to expand your thinking of what’s possible.