Maybe I am in over my head now

Brah you sure it’s a good idea to be putting your dwindling wealth all in one stock to try striking it rich? I mean yeah Bill and Elon did it, but they had actual control of their own fates. Your research is probably giving you just slightly better than coin flip odds at making money. Maybe there are more prudent ways of generating long term wealth.

Get rich or die tryin’ !!!

Well, the dwindling part may be a little bit attributable to the fact I keep doing super expensive AR builds, and not necessarily losses. Both my accounts are positive for 2021.

It’s only $40k if I’m wrong.

Godspeed and charge your phone :smiley:

I hope to be able to afford a phone charger some day.

I figured that when your phone battery ran out you would simply throw away the phone and buy a new one.

Who needs a charger?


Godspeed my friend. I really do wish you are an outlier.
Probabilities are what they are…and they might teach you a thing or two.
But here’s to 3 sigmas🍷

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may pltr hit 28.95 at a minimum

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Do you realize you’re posting in a thread where the first post was about buying AMC?

Do you want to know my cost basis on that trade? It was $2.90

Go search the deepest ends of the internet and let me know when you give up on trying to find another soul who paid less than what I did on that trade.

I am the one who gains.

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“You gain 100% and lose 50% 10 times, you break even. You gain 10% and lose 5% 10 times, you make 71.64%. The key to big returns is optimal math, not the biggest wins.” - @markminervini

I’m not sure where he gets 71.64%; it should be 55.30%.

Investing’s easy when your arithmetic’s off.

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Have to take into account that winners always finish with a profitable trade. The math is from the book
(1+(0.10-0.05))^9 * 1,10 - 1

The extra 1% was a typo, but he will never admit it or else

You’re forgetting the final -5% are you not?

I got Bill’s same 55.3% = 1.045^10

It looks like the formula should be ((1.1*.95)^10)-1
Or (1.045^10)-1
Or 1.553
Or .553
Or 55.3%

Not that I really needed a reason to doubt the guy with the Master’s in Math…

Hey @rawraw - how many days you count in a week again bro?

I just copied it from Twitter. Don’t know the assumptions to get the exact calculation, just wanted to bump this thread :joy: we can find whoever the quote is attributed to and ask

not forgetting anything, was just trying to get to 71.64% using those number he used, made up some calculation involving +10%, -5%, 10 years

(1+(0.10-0.05))^9 * 1.10 - 1 = 70.64%, seems weird but I think this was this math and the missing 1% was a typo

Nothing gets by this crowd.

Also: I didn’t get the portfolio manager job because they’re looking for someone with “much greater exposure to security analysis”.

I don’t know why he felt the need to add the “much” if I’m being honest.

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Eh, you win some you lose some, brother. Whoever they hire will probably be some overconfident stuffed shirt that’ll fail to beat the benchmarks anyways, despite their “much” deeper exposure to security analysis.