Mike Tyson Getting Back in the Ring

then she looks exactly as she is suppose to. there are a lot of hot 30 yos.

Lol that’s insane. The guys a beast… still throwing bombs but not dodging and weaving like he used to. Some guy from Russia, or somewhere, offered him a few mill to fight him bare knuckles. Mike turned it out but man that would have been something straight out of bloodsport.

Gloves are there to protect the hands. He hits way too hard to fight bare knuckle

They help the hands that’s true, but that’s not really the primary reason. Getting hit by bare fist is insanely destructive to a face. Same reason if you box amateur the gloves are heavier than pro to slow the hands down and protect people’s heads.

One of the greatest!

gloves are therer to protect your hands.
pretty itneresting. essentially. u hit harder without gloves. but fights end sooner. though are more bloody
with gloves, fights are longer and lead to more brain damage that is irreparable, because people go for the kill by targetting the head.
so gloves actually make the sport far more dangerous.
its counterintuitive. like a chinese finger trap.

I can see that. Same comparison with rugby vs. American football. Not half as much damage in rugby even though they wear no protective gear. The helmets and pads in football probably give an illusion of safety, which clearly isn’t the case given the amount of trauma experienced by the players.

I boxed in Golden Gloves for a few years in college. Modern era boxing gloves are not there to protect your hands. The little UFC gloves are as is tape, but that’s not why we have giant boxing gloves. If hands were the consideration you could get 90% of the way there with a heavy wrap job. If you take a bare knuckle hit you will absolutely get concussions faster and fracture eye sockets, noses and jaws almost immediately.

It’s also why amateur gloves weigh more than pro gloves, if you’d actually fought with both sets of gloves it wouldn’t even be a discussion, lighter pro gloves hit much harder and are roughly the same on your hands.

The type of person who would make that kind of argument are the same people who get their info on fighting from quora.

lol ok. sorry for googling it. net time i will ask the amateur boxer of a finance forum.

Also if you even read Chris Price’s response on your quora article I don’t know how you’d arrive at your stated conclusion.

Nerdy, if you ever opted for a boxing match where your opponent wasn’t allowed to wear gloves “to protect his hands” and you wore gloves for your added protection you would never make that mistake again. It would also be hard to argue that the ensuing brain damage wasn’t a pre-existing condition.

lol ok ur ridiculous. i dont know what you are misudnestanding and saying 1 person wears gloves and 1 doesnt. i didnt say anything remotely close to that. both people wearing gloves is more dangerous because they last longer and people go for the head. if both dont wear gloves it is far safer becasue fights ends sooner because there is more damage in general but teh damage is not done to your head.

Again, ridiculous.

If you’ve ever fought bare knuckles or seen those fights, literally every one ends with a hard knockout. People still go straight for the head every time. If you give someone without gloves a shot at your gut or a shot at your head, they will take the head shot every time because they’re not waiting for you to get that opportunity and in addition to the KO you’ll get broken facial bones. Meanwhile the majority of boxing matches end with no KO. So you’re arguing that a quick KO is better than no KO, which has no medical basis.

These people saying gloves created brain damage are ignoring the fact that 10 years ago CTE wasn’t even a known thing and in the 1700’s the sport frankly didn’t exist as it did post gloves, period. It’s just a garbage argument like idiots arguing helmets create brain injuries.

obviously but what they are saying is they are more catiuous than spray and pray boxers. listen i have 0 interest in this. but ur argument is just silly.

LOL, I accept your loss. For what it’s worth this is exactly the type of debate you’d expect having with someone who clearly has never stepped foot in a ring.

It’s also stupid as hell (and reflects on the people making these counter points) that they think what they’re seeing is “spray and pray”. All of those punches for the most part serve purposes. You might throw three “misses” designed to create the opening for your landed hit. But that is just the evolution of boxing with better and better defensive fighters.

Everybody saw what happened when McGregor (much closer to bare knuckle) fought Mayweather, he struggled to land a single punch. The decline in punches landed has everything to do with the evolution of defense, not the gloves themselves.

lol. i accept. this is one of those cases. where losing is actually winning.

Here’s some great examples of all that bare knuckle head protection, clearly as you can see the boxers are almost exclusively going for the body to protect their hands. Looks good for the brain, sign me up!

I started Martial arts with Kyokushin Karate which unlike the Karate you see in Karate kid,is full contact,the emphasis is on fighting and not Kata and is also bare knuckle (punches to the face is not allowed,but kicks to head are allowed).
Kyokushin fighters are some of the toughest fighters when it comes to taking punishment and we hardly ever had cases of people (professinal fighters) having broken fingers when delivering blows to the rib cage or chest. That being said I have literally seen someone getting their hand fvucked by having broken tooth jammed in their hands. I have also seen when someone (professional boxer) break his finger when he also broke someone elses cheek bone.
Street fighting is a gamble.

@Black_Swan If you look at the hands of most bareknuckle fighters it is way more deformed than professional boxers.
The whole brain damage argument is way too complex for me to decide on given that you must know so much about so many unrelated fields so I won’t comment on it,but getting your head punched is not fun,with or without gloves.