MOST ambitious CFA charterholder

I’m surprised this is true, and yes, he may not be the most modest person I’ve heard of, but these are impressive achievements. What I have more curiosity about is why lanky and Co are so obsessed with somehow proving via the internet that this guy is a tool or something. Just let it go, what’s it to you?

Me? I just dislike these kind of people. And when and if I do achieve the charter, I would value it a little lesser. Because people like him are able to achieve it as well. But obviously it his choice as to how he portrays himself. And the reason I was talking about it here because it is called the ‘general discussion’ section. If all of us just minded our own business, I don’t think AF would be needed.

Eh, why does it devalue the charter when “people like him” are able to achieve it. LinkedIn is not the place to be modest, you’re selling yourself, and while there are more subtle ways of doing it, all in all he seems pretty badass.

Look, I dont care one way or other about the guy (though I might be chary about putting it on my CV because I would imagine it might make people think I am pompous). I’m still questioning what the CFA did to whittle it down to him. Who else did they ask? What was the process? I’ve just looked at the link again to the article. The title of the article is called Most Ambitious. I dont see that there is an award for this. Someone clear it up. If it is an award, CFAI is at fault. If it is just the headline of the article, the guy is a tool.

Yeah, a guy who started his first finance internship in high school without using family connections and graduated college in 2.5 years while working and got his charter by 22 really devalues the CFA? And I’m pretty sure AF can function perfectly well if people mind their own business rather than using it as a forum to smear people based on your own insecurities. It’s an analyst resource (assuming your own business is finance).

i say my MD who is in his mid 30s is way more ambitious. I think CFA forgot to ask him. I nominate Amanda Lang as the hottest, most intelligent, classiest babe on business tv. btw, anybody remember that sexy young babe who worked for a boutique in Canada and was on BNN showing off her beauty…

I certainly agree that a resume and LinkedIn are places to list your accomplishments, but there are plently of ways to go about this w/o being a total douche.

I love it when the AF BOM’s get all bent out of shape about things like this. Get back into your cages!

yeah I agree. If all of us were high school grads and an NYU grad came up to us and talked about his classes and his experience at his college, we would think he is bragging. If we were all Harvard grads and the NYU grad talked about the same thing to us as before, we would think he is just talking about his experiences. and we would listen and talk about our experiences at Harvard.

what the f8ck is wrong with you? you f’in zeek!

Overdone, but I’ve seen jobs posted on the local CFA society website that ask that the candidate ‘must be at least a CFA level 1’ Now that is lame

My last employer had the same requirement - you needed to have atleast passed level 1 I saw this kind of thing on the majority of applications when I was applying to jobs…but more than often it just says to at least be enrolled in the CFA program

This guy totally reminds me of the guy from those Dos Equis commercials

the only ppl that get good jobs without any level of CFA are those that are connected, extremely strong out of undergrad (1%), or girls who are extremely hot. requiring a CFA level or two is by no means a high hurdle.

You missed my point - there is no such thing as ‘I am a CFA level 1’… and for jobs to be posted on the society website asking for that is ironic. You’d think somebody would glance over and realize that CFA is used in an improper manner. If it’s ok to say I am a CFA level 1, then it’s fine by me to say I received the most ambitious CFA award :slight_smile:

At least he’s bragging about something. I’ve seen plenty of Linked In accounts where people are describing their junior analyst position as if they were the CEO of a fortune 500 company… On a side note, the article is from Nov-Dec 2006, so he was probably 23 (he was 22 in September 2005 when he got his charter). I would give him at least 30 on that picture…

I remember her and I also remember commenting at the time that you had the hots for her…which must be true as you still remember her over two years later :slight_smile: it was quite a thread…