my thoughts on Finquiz & a question for retakers

Has anybody tried the level 3 questions at finquiz?

I did the Q-bank for L2 and like most people I did find the questions to be too easy. My problem was that there were not enough EOC’s for many subjects especially FRA (multinational opps way too few questions) and for me the only way to learn the stuff was through the questions. By the time I did them a second or third time I had the question memorized which killed me on the exam. I’m going with Finquiz for Level 3 can’t tell you an opinion I have only used 60 questions so far. For L2 questions the Schweser Mocks, CFAI Mocks & Samples are a must. The Boston Society Exam sucked don’t spend the coin, eratta and questions not on the LOS’s.

I just started using Finquiz after finishing the CFAI readings. It does go for specifics but Ive only done 30 questions so far so its hard to say. Needless, the questions are much tougher and feel much more relevant that Qbank 2010. On the other hand I will give a second and maybe third pass on the EOC if time permits.

Finquiz questions are probably not excellent but definitely are relevant. I prefer relevance over excellence when it comes to such specific activities as passing the exam.

FINQUIZ FINQUIZ FINQUIZ FINQUIZ FINQUIZ Disclaimer: I do not work for the company unlike mitchells, the Ethiopian, and night owl.

lol Mitchells you’re annoying. Gorilla you’re annoying as well.

Let me know what you guys think about this: Qbank is really not to prep me for the L2 style of questioning, it is good to remember or comprehend the basics. You can’t say the material that is on Schweser is not on the actual exam. To cover the material that Schweser does not cover study the EOC, do the CFAI examples. I think that the Schweser questions are good, in my opinion. The time that you save not having to take 50 pages of notes and trying to make sense of it you can spend doing CFAI problems over and over. I think people complain because Schweser does not have vignettes? Then do the practice exams, mock exam and CFAI practice exam. That is like 8 full length tests with 160 vignettes and 960 questions. If after that you cannot identify areas that you are weak in, how can you blame Schweser?

Starbuk, I wrote Level 2 last year, and although I didn’t feel I prepared properly, I didn’t find that Qbank prepared me at all. I decided to go for a different direction this year as sungirls review of finquiz (forces you to go through the actual books) pushed me in that direction. That’s not to say that I took a shortcut. I read all the books once, I’m going to crank out as many Finquiz as possible and I’m going to spend a lot of time on the EOC and then move on to the mocks. Hopefully that’s enough. I can’t comment on Schweser 2011 but Scwheser 2010 for Level 2 CFA and CAIA Level 1 was less than satisfactory.

I was thinking to buy Finquiz Qbank. Therefore, I have tried Finquiz’s free exam, and got 63% without reading! I am not sure about the level of difficulty. Has anyone experienced the same? Thanks,

Meazza, Regardless of the provider you use, reading the books once is not going to cut it at L2. Good Luck

Obviously I was going to review the material…

Level 2 is altogether a different game then level 1. Ignoring few topics can result in heavy penalty in exam as a single topic can result in 5% of exam. I strongly suggest reading summaries of CFAI readings at the end of each chapter and also EOC questions.

@serious At FinQuiz, item set questions are quite tricky.

mitchells…89 posts the majority of them related to FinQuiz, let the product and real users speak for themselves… you are clearly associated with FinQuiz in some way

Ive already reported mitchells Guille