Need some info/help on Equity Research

Thanks Zuran

Zuran Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > I was in a similiar position as you last year, > looking for jobs in Equity Research. > At that time I passed CFA level 2 but had very > little experience in the field. I managed to land > a couple of interviews at BB banks, so I think I > can offer you some useful advice. > > First thing, CFA level2 counted very little in my > application process and interview process, so > don’t bank your hopes of getting an interview in > passing the exam. CFA only matters if you get the > charter. > > Now, what you need to do to stand out is to show > them initiative in teaching yourself about equity > research, even though you have no experience in > the field. You mentioned that you have followed a > couple of stocks in the pass 8 months, and that is > a very good start. Now you need to formalize your > work - compile your research into a succint > report, stating your recommendation for the stock > and your reasoning and logic that backs-up your > recommendation, along with a financial model (if > you don’t know how to do this, start teaching > yourself) > > After you have all the materials ready, and have > come up with a good story to sell yourelf, start > contacting the ibanks. Do some research and find > out the name,email, and direct line of the Analyst > of the sector you are interested in, or the head > of research if you don’t have a sector preference. > Spend a day on google and you should be able to > find out most of this information. > > Next step, send out a email with your resume, > research report, and financial model, stating at > the end of the email that you will call in a > couple of days to follow up. Then call the guy up > a couple of days later, reminding them who you > are, and ask if they have any openings that you > can fit in. > > Hope this helps > Good Luck did they ask you what industry groups? they’ve asked me about TMT and i had no idea…

Another person in the same boat - LII candidate looking to move from Fixed Income to equity. What’s the best next move if trying to get into a buy-side equity shop? a) Get an MBA from a top 20 b-school, try to secure an equity-type internship, and hope the economy turns around in the meantime b) Take an entry-level equity position/investment consulting, fund of funds, etc. (i.e. something on the fringe of equity research). Then after 2-3 years, leverage it into something better c) Finish CFA, keep collecting check in FI, and play the lottery/waiting game hoping some firm will take a chance

is it really that drastic that we need the CFA done? with a top20 mba, we might as well move into ibanking. I only had level I completed and an HR person at ML called me when i submitted my resume. unfortunely, that was when the fallout of UBS, Citi, Bear and ML occurred and the position closed…

nerdattax Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > Another person in the same boat - LII candidate > looking to move from Fixed Income to equity. > What’s the best next move if trying to get into a > buy-side equity shop? > > a) Get an MBA from a top 20 b-school, try to > secure an equity-type internship, and hope the > economy turns around in the meantime > > b) Take an entry-level equity position/investment > consulting, fund of funds, etc. (i.e. something on > the fringe of equity research). Then after 2-3 > years, leverage it into something better > > c) Finish CFA, keep collecting check in FI, and > play the lottery/waiting game hoping some firm > will take a chance Being in “fixed income” is a rather broad statement. If you’re in credit research, it should be relatively easy to move to the equity side. If you’re in CDO structuring, i suppose its a different story.

preetchawla I’m interested in seeing your research for VMW. Whats your email maybe we can connect. I also do my own research in the markets for various sectors and trade on my own account. I know VMW is an excellent company and they have came down quite a . The valuation is looking more reasonable than it was last year, but i would want to see your input. Thanx Sasha

VMW was in a better condition when I did the research. This post comig up feels wierd because it was a few months ago when I was unemployed and it just reminded me of the good old days, hehe. My email address is Chawlapreet ATTT GMAIL DOTT COM, sorry for the extra t’s, the guys spamming are becoming way too smart. I would be glad to send you my research. Perhaps, we cna discuss some good picks as well, as I trade on my account as well.

Virtualization solutions are very valuable for many large business’ and even governements. From that point of view it would appear VMW is well positioned… my question is how do they keep they maintain their competitive advantage as more well established (and better funded) companies enter the industry? (such as oracle, msft, etc) GenY

Hi, I am trying to get into ER as well… I do have several contacts in bulge-bracket ER and they are basically all on hiring freezes. Aside from doing your models and formalizing your information into a report, I would recommend trying to network to the extent possible as that could be a key factor in getting a position once it becomes open. Lots of these posts mention graduate degrees, CFA, etc. but I think (sadly) the most important thing in some cases is to know someone.

VMW is a good buy according to me, I dont expect competitors like MSFT to affect VMW’s business drastically as is inherent in the pricing assumptions in the stock price today.

Can you elaborate? What barriers to entry are preventing competitors from taking market share? Especially a companies like MSFT and Oracle which both have loads of cash on hand and seemlingly the technical prowess to at least catch up. VMWare is pricing at alarmingly large multiples, i assume this is what you mean when you speak of their competitive advantage being inherent in the current pricing assumptions? If you beleive the pricing assumptions are accurate, wouldnt that make this security a hold? I am not an expert in the virtualization industry or the tech industry for that matter, maybe you could give me a little more to go on? Thanks! GenY