need to pass series 7 within 6 months. should I stop L2 studies?

> Here is a sample series 7 question: > > blah blah blah blah ? > a) something obviously wrong > b) something obviously wrong > c) something obviously right > d) something obviously wrong If this is true, Japanese driver’s license exam might be more difficult. An urban legend goes: True or false: “He did not feel very good this morning, so he drove carefully. He was correct to do so.” Answer: False. He should not have driven if he did not feel completely healthy.

Unlike the CFA exam which requires you to actually learn the material, the series exams can be passed by simply taking 2-3 practice exams and reading over the rationale in the back of the book.

I’ve seen some of your postings. You should have little trouble. I have been told by people w/o CFA caliber intelligence that it takes 3 months of intense study, so even by erring heavily on the side of caution you should be good starting in mid-June.

I used to work at MS right out of college. Of the 20 idiots in my FA training class, about 8 of them failed the Series 7 and got fired (after 2 months of studying). One guy actually got 49% (??!?). But seriously, I studied WAY too much after hearing about how everyone else had failed the exam. The test is pretty much a joke. People who fail the test (and will tell you how impossible it was or how they got a bad batch of questions etc etc), are obviously not cut out to be in this industry. After passing L1, I bet you could walk into the test center and pass the exam using what background you have in options and a small amount of common sense for the rest of the test. Since your job is on the line, you should probably spend at least one day studying the material (rules and regulations at least). That’s it. If you postponed the L2 for that crap you would hate yourself after seeing what a joke the series 7 really is.

Esp. since the CFA is once a year, the 7 can be taken any time.

just do the question bank and you’ll be golden.

i studied 2 weeks on and off for the 7 and passed it with an 88% with 1.5 hours to spare. go do it big guy, its chump change comapred to CFA