Not studying recommendations?

Lincoln lawyer!

houston 500

Backdoor Sluts VI.

Some say it’s a rehash of Backdoor Sluts V (which, I personally think, was way too much like Backdoor Sluts II) but I was far more capitvated by the female protagonist’s plight against “the man” in this film than in any of the preceding ones. She’s so vulnerable and you can really feel her pain as she battles through all the obstacles that face her.

Backdoor Sluts VII was a waste of time. They should have killed this phenomenal series after VI - or maybe made a better film.

Backdoor Creampies - Cindy, a little girl with big ambitions, decides to open a bakery in her parents kitchen - selling pies to children who come to her backyard. Cindy learns that running a business isn’t all fun and games in this hilarious tale of entrepreneurship.

^lol. Coming of age tale

on the real though:

Must Watches:

  • Pi

  • Interstellar

  • Momento

-the Machinist

-Black Swan

-Margin Call


The Wolf of Wall Street

Take it back to 1993. Find some inspiration… Watch Rudy.

Glengarry Glen Ross

Dead Snow Red vs Dead

Office Space

edit: I moved my post to the Water Cooler

Leopard Fight Club on Netflix. Its a story about a young Leopard named Jack finding his way through life, living, purring, climbing up trees, making love, and a fight to the death in the last minutes of the show to take over an established Leopard’s territory. Who will win? 1. The first rule of Leopard Fight Club is you don’t talk about Leopard Fight Club. 2. I already broke the rules.