Lol indeed… thats why I was not surprised! Too bad, ACE and I were in good spirits and anyone who would have shown up would have had fun. Although, we were both anxious about the race, so I guess a wild night on the town was out. Next time… I’m all for that!
Anyway… now Im looking to turn in early as I review the cute pictures my dogwalker sent me. Decidedly… not “wild”.
haha yeah it feels pretty good - not 100%, but workable, very workable. I thought it would be wise to give myself some sort of base tonight. Not extremely quick, but a better sense of what it is like to spend a little time running before cranking up the intensity tomorrow. Also, I was nervous about going to sleep tonight being completely untested and had to get out there a little bit, even if it was on the streets and sidewalks. I figured out the knee brace issue - I wore those braces and the venom long pants/MMA tights over them and it seemed to hold them in place. Also, it kept them a little warmer which will reduce the likelihood of my knees not being hot enough in the race. Looking forward to tomorrow. I gassed it a few times to see what 5:XX pace felt like (I think mile 5 when I was warmed up). It is definitely going to be challenging. Luckily I was reasonable and was cognizant that my goal tonight was not intensity, but getting comfortable with running again as it has been awhile. Should be fun.
ughhh I think official time will be 5:20, maybe 5:19. Not terrible. I guess I’ll take it. Was on track first 1/4 mile. I thought it was faster than 1:15 actually, I was pretty close to the front of the pack. Was feeling good. Started to feel slightly dehydrated at the 1/2 mile, then felt kind of slow towards the end, but hung on. I thought I was going to break my PR of 5:18 from the 90s. I could see it. I was there. fuck. Ok. I wasn’t even really that tired at the end of the race. I guess overall I can’t be too upset with this result. I’ll take a 5:20. KMD? I looked for you two after the race for 30min or so, couldn’t see you. How did you do?
I got to see both KMD and ACE run, both were hauling some serious @ss down the avenue. And both look better in person too.
I was in the low 6s which is what KMD was prepping me towards, so I’m happy about that. Next up is a 5k in Nov that I need to get back into distance training mode for.
BTW the official results aren’t up yet, but you can see your (and other people’s) unofficial results at
Yeah we were looking for you, KMD said you wandered off somewhere. I invited her to lunch with some friends but she bounced. Guess you set the bar too high for the rest of us.
I on the other hand, blew it. I felt physically great but failed to put it to use. Im pretty disappointed not only with my time, but the execution of the race. Last month for the West Chester mile (where I did 5:25) I dug so deep I was literally on the track gasping for air. Took me a while to stand up again! Today I did about 5:27… grabbed my knees for a couple breaths and was fine. WTF kind of little bitch effort is that
Ha thanks - my results were a product of your work, so…wassup.
I get what you mean about disappointment; I had that feeling last month when I ran a PR in a 5K race but felt like I could’ve done even better, and wondered how I could sh!t the bed so badly versus my own expectations to the point that I had to sign up for another 5K just to get the foul taste out of my mouth.
That being said, however, I was on the sideline when you sailed past (just sent you the video btw). When the first few chicks who were in the lead came by, I turned to my friends and was like “nope, those aren’t KMD” bc even though they were running fast they didn’t seem to be running strong, if you know what I’m getting at. They were just kind of drifting by. When I saw you in the distance, I didn’t know what you were wearing, but I could tell right away that it was you just by the way you were powering down the street. You could hear in the video I shouted “there she is!” when you were still a block away.
I didn’t catch ACE on video since I was jogging up to the start as his heat was going off, but I was telling my friend to keep an eye out for a dude in red tights and a tank top. Not five seconds later my friend was like “is that the guy?” and sure enough it was ACE taking off at the front with the red tights and giant headphones.
Thanks for that video! It was pretty awesome. It cheered me up to watch it and I like how it captured you yelling “go, Katie, GO!”.
On the long drive home from NYC I was pensively reflecting on my disappointment. I think what made me the most down was that I forgot to enjoy the experience. I have been doing this stuff a LONG time and I get so incredibly nervous and wound up. I feel the pressure to validate all the training and sacrifice I make though my performance. What I should have been saying to myself before the race: “This is amazing… 5th ave all blocked off and I get to tear down it… look at all this competition! great, I’m gonna give’em hell… it’s going to be so fun!” Instead I was thinking: "omg, I’m so nervous, I feel like I could fall down. remember your mental cues…omg, I can’t concentrate…I HAVE to make my time, prove myself… that last race my body went though hell, I’m not sure if I am ready to go there…but you will… you HAVE TO" So doing this not only hurts my ability to focus and perform, but it leaves me feeling like it was all for nothing… just a stressful overall experience. The triathlon I did a couple weeks ago left me feeling the same way.
So, yes, that short little video somehow reminded me of how much more fun I could of had. It reminded me I take myself way to serious for my own good, when from the outside, the awesomeness is there. I just need to enjoy it for myself! Well, at least I learned something today!
Yeah I think I had some unused capacity as well. Strava told me “good job for low relative effort” and heart rate averaged 143BPM with only a 150BPM max. Seems kind of weak, but I definitely felt like I was pushing it a decent amount. I think I was on pace for 5 flat the first 400m, but it felt unsustainable.