PCP Investigation. Please help! URGENT

But back when you took the exams in the 70s, derivatives were not even in the curriculum.


Does this really take strength? I know it must suck, but just follow the procedures and wait for their response. If you’re not guilty, you’re not guilty…if you are, then you are. CFAI invests a lot of money in their grading methodology so if you’re actually innocent I’m sure the similarity analysis will prove nothing.

CFA exams used to be 1 book, stop after Gordon growth dividend model in equities. no derivatives, no alternatives, no taxes, I believe no stats either

NO GIPS madafakurs

No wonder why JDV got a perfect score.

I finally got a reply from CFAI few days back that I am safe and can resume my CFA studies smoothly.

I would like to thank all of you including:

pokhim ramos4rm higgmond mobius strip SafetyFirstRoy Numi- Figures don’t matter when you are fighting against something which you did not do. formerTrader itera iamthenight rahulRoy- I respect what you said. But I am safe. Well I wanted to inform people that CFA Institute is a great institute and it will hear your case if you are genuine and are really willing to pursue the CFA program with full dedication. I think it was not wrong from proctors view point to be suspicious because CFA has certain norms to keep a check on thousands of test takers and I completely respect that. Please put your situation crystal clearly in front of them. And you’ll be safe. Do not and I repeat DO NOT look outside your paper. You can close your eyes.Keep your head down and then continue with your exam. CFA Institute investigation is a long process. So please be patient and don’t loose hope. I’ll always be ready to help. I got help from unknown people in the most difficult of times. And it’s throwback time. Will let you all know the result soon

Great news.

MMBaid, you may be the first to win.

I should have been first on the list.

No there are a few cases where people have won (I don’t think I have won anything literally) but they have not come out with their results.

While I was looking out for help in this forum I searched a lot of threads where people accused did not tell what their results were.

So I made my self a promise that whatever may be the conclusion of the PCP investigation be, I will definately tell everyone about my case’s result.

mpCollins and two more persons were the only 3 I found, who actually posted their result status on their threads and were a great source of inspiration. :slight_smile:

I passed L1! Thank you everyone for your help.

I want ot know if I should request CFAI to grant me the permission to take L2 exam in 3 weeks’ time (June, 2914).

P.S. I have not prepared for L2 while I awaited my L1 results as the odds of the cfai decision in my favor were bleak,

Is it crackable in 2.5 weeks?

I have a good knowledge and haven’t forgot much of L1 course material.

Can you guide me as to who shall I approach to request to let me take L2 this June itself?

Awaiting a quick response.

Thanks ! :slight_smile:

If you pass CFA Level 2 with 2.5 weeks prep you will be anointed as King CFA and awarded lifetime immunity from the rusty hacksaw.

In all seriousness though, they probably won’t let you register as the deadline is well past. If they do, I’d say go for it, the worst that can happen is you fail but you’d be in a better position for next year.

Subir Gupta's photo.

deadline to register is way past dude. Didn’t you do your homework?

I’ve seen people here boast of passing with one month of study time. 2.5 weeks? I’d bet money on not passing. Go for it next year.

Congrats, glad I was wrong. 2.5 weeks is going to be really, really, really, really, really hard, but all you have to loose is time and the registration fee, so why not if they let you.

if you cheat again you might pass

Bleron would like to prove you wrong

Post of the day.