Read any good books lately?

No, but very similar. Not better than Pillars but better than World without end.

I just read The Secrets of the FBI by Ronald Kessler. Phenomenal books about stake outs, covert operations, fighting crime, and retaining justice.

Frankly, the classic finance books are the best and I don’t need to bring them up here. Just re-read chapters 8 & 20 of the intellgenet investor over and over again.

Sci fi–

Dune, Enders Game, Starship Troopers, Neuromancer, Snow Crash, The Forever War, The Dark Tower series, Cryptonomicon (this last one is long, but great if you are into VC, corporate intrigue and spy thriller rolled into one).


The Prize, The Rise and Fall of Great Powers, John Adams, The Forgotten Man, Postwar: A History of Europe since 1945, Memoirs of the Second World War (Churchill, needs to be read with a grain of salt),

Ready Player One was a suprisingly good read if you’re into sci-fi / nerdy stuff.

Awesome book - really quick read

Mr Penumbra’s 24 hour bookstore

Song of Ice and Fire series (aka Game of Thrones). Can’t believe no one mentioned this yet. Highly recommend, esp if you want to switch things up and read something non finance related.

I can’t believe I didn’t mention it. I thought I did. Must have been another thread. I’ve read them all a couple times. Fan-farking-tastic.

American Gods, Hyperion, and Ender’s Game are all must-reads for the sci-fi fans.

And, obviously, American Psycho. The book is way, way more messed up than the movie. One of the more disturbing things I’ve read.

Player One sounds right up my alley.

American Gods and Hyperion area both excellent. If you are into Hyperion try Ringworld.

You might have actually mentioned it STL. I thought I saw a post about it somewhere, but can’t remember anymore.

Yeah, that’ll probably be my next pick up. I’ve been meaning to read it for a while. I’ve been putting it off because I heard the sequels suck, which doesn’t really matter. Just a bummer.

Somebody’s got to say it - Neal Boortz

RIA’s 2013 Federal Tax Handbook is what I base most of my life on.

Anansi Boys was funny, Neil Gaiman is coming out with a new novel this June I believe. Ender’s Game was great, and some of the sequels. For whatever random reason, I picked up and old copy of Long Day’s Journey into Night when I visited the folks back in Dec. I read it front to back. It resonates with me somewhat.

French Women Don’t Get Fat!

Balthasar and Blimunda

Some random kinda finance related books:

  • “Confidence Game”, from Christine Richard, is the story of Bill Ackman shorting MBIA. It’s pretty interesting in drawing some parallels to the Herbalife story ( this is for us readers to do - the book was printed before the HLF short). From the book, Ackman seems very smart, but also stubborn. The book has less valuation stuff than Einhorn’s “Fooling Some of the People All of the Time”, so it may lack some interesting content for analysts, but it’s an interesting story.

  • “Exposure” , from Michael Woodford, is the story of the Olympus scandal - the author is the former CEO who got thrown out after asking some tough questions. It’s another story about weak corporate governance. It’s a nice read because the author shares a lot. The Economist wrote a review on this book recently. Anybody interest might Google that first.

  • “Emerging Africa”, by Steven Radelet, shows how awesome 17 african countries are and how we should all invest in them. Even though it seems biased, there’s still good info there, and the author does make an effort to qualify the risks and shortcomings of the region.

Bump, just for Sweep.

Strange that this thread has had no love in over five years.

^Thanks Greenie.

Takeaways from this thread:

  1. We’ve lost a lot of good posters.

  2. How did Supersadface get the title of “Author”?

  3. I’m still 200 pages away from finishing Atlas Shrugged.

is that actually worth reading? Like, are you any more entrepreneurial for what you have read of it? Or any less?