Regarding job in canada

If this exists, kindly post the link. What’s the criteria – Greatest number of jobseekers? Note that:  1) LinkedIn does not rank schools, and 2) Anybody can post anything on LinkedIn.

I think you live in a bubble a bit. Toronto and surrounding areas are still the heart of the financial economy so obviously Ontario will have better business schools. it’s just common sense. i don’t see any great geology or petrochemical enginner programs in Ontario. In Toronto, which is where this all matters, the rank truly is:

Rotman, Shulich, Ivey, Queen’s, Laurier, UBC, Haskayne, Acadia, Dal. Anything but these is weakness. You might, just might, get away with having McGill on your degree but they are not known at all for finance so i can’t say for sure. all i know is that maybe only 1 in 500 finance folks got their bachelors at McGill.

btw, Waterloo doesn’t have a BBA (nor MBA, nor Bus. Phd) program and has an okay economics program. i have no idea why its at the top of the list in this thread. maybe they consider UW’s supreme BMath program as being the same as finance. kind of stupid in my opinion.

This list lost all credibility when Rye High was put before real schools. Also, Waterloo at first?

Also, when they mis-spelled “Wilfrid Laurier”. I say phony.

I typed the list instead of pasting it.

If you plan on staying in Quebec, it’s your best bet. Far and above the best recruitment opportunities. I wouldn’t be surprised if Concordia (John Molson School of Business) is second in terms of finance recruitment.

Dude, they’ve got Thompson Rivers University ahead of Calgary (not even on list). Not exactly credible. McGill was #1 in accounting…

Lol what? I’m not a Waterloo grad but Bay St is full of B.Math and Act.Sci graduates. A few of my friends graduated with those degrees and landed great gigs out of school, they are well represented at the big banks. The big banks know what level of quality (technically anyway) that these programs produce and they’re heavily poached. No need to get butt-hurt over the name of the degree.

And Acadia, Dal and Haskayne? People know Dal but not for business, and I think you’d be hard pressed to find someone in TO who knows where Acadia is and what Haskayne is, or UBC’s business school name, or McGill’s for that matter… Even Laurier (good program as it is) is in the shadows here (though their grads do well, they don’t advertise WLU).

It’s pretty tough as a UG in Toronto. Not only do you have to deal with other BBAs/BComms, you have to fight the accountants and engineers as well. It’s not an easy place to find a gig, and the gigs aren’t even top qual/highly comped ones either.

Top schools for Montreal -

*** Its important to note that no universities are that hard to get in (except some Msc Programs like Financial Engineering at HEC) or expensive to attend hence its not that big of a deal which school you attended (if you stay in Quebec).

McGill - Good for brand name, international reputation, but not really hard to enter for a local (50% admission rate) hence its REALLY not that prestigious for business.

HEC Montreal , good brand name, very good for local jobs as you tap into the French culture. Good for recruitment, probably just a bit better than Concordia.

Concordia (John Molson) - Good for Kenneth Wood Portfolio management, recruitment is usually with McGill for big banks, Top MBA in investment management, msc, finance (McGill only has MBA)

Uquam - heard its not optimal, but I cant offer an opinion, all I know is that they don`t mingle with McGill, Concordia, and HEC for IB recruitment.

Uni Sherbrooke and Université Laval - good universities if you plan to stay in Quebec. Although not in Montreal good students definitly get a shot at the top jobs in Montreal.

i’m not at all saying that the BMath degree isn’t related to what goes down on Bay St. but I do know many BMaths who didn’t do anything with their lives b/c they took math and didn’t focus on anything afterward and were basically lost. smart but no direction. are you really defending that a school with no formal financial education should be at the top of a financial education list? UW doesn’t have a business school but it should be at the top of a business career list? by this same argument, you could say that all great schools (Harvard, MIT, whatever) are better than all of those on that list b/c they’re better in general. there’s no way in hell a BMath from UW is better than a BBA from Rotman or Schulich on Bay St. the fact the individual got a BBA from Rotman tells you that he’s just as smart as the BMath but he’s probably a heck of a lot more committed to the industry and the job in question.

it’s possible that they are attributing UW’s connection to WLU as part of UW’s finance program list. the double degree Comp Sci and BBA at UW and WLU is probably the nation’s best undergraduate degree. but without WLU, the financial part of this degree wouldn’t exist.

i incuded Acadia, Dal and Haskayne b/c they are known names for their business programs but not much else. they have “some” recognition nationally and in TO. these three distinctively beat Brock and USask and many others.

Speaking of McGill, apparently it’s the #5 ranked University for most dateable grads in North America:

^ Fancy that, my wife is a McG grad…

Mine too.

I’ve applied to the big 4 and didn’t hear a peep from them. Would it be better if I enroll for the CPA Program? My main rationale for doing the masters is because most students are hired from university recruitment and through co-op programs. Big 4 recruiting from uoft is pretty decent from the looks of it. Sure, it costs more but it’ll make getting that first a hell of a lot easier?

I regret going to Laurier too. Those assholes rejected my entry into co-op (even though I had 11/12 GPA) because I was an econ student first year. That ruined everything for me. Wish I had gone to Western.

Why do you want to go Big4? CPA doesn’t require audit anymore. I don’t dismiss the exit opps of Big4, but if you’re hosed there, maybe consider different paths. Or I guess do the MAcc or MPacc or whatever it is. That might offer a second chance.

What do you think about universities out west geo? Any suggestions?

^ Well if you plan to stay out west, UBC, Calgary and Alberta are all respected. But these carry significantly less weight out east and no weight in the US. Again though, having your school where the head offices that are hiring are located is an advantage.

Well said. Here we are a few months later, with WTI hovering in the low $50s and WCS in the $40s… Can anyone out west shed some light on the impact of low oil prices on the finance labour market in Calgary? I’ve been contemplating a move out west for awhile now. However, it doesn’t seem like the most prudent thing to do at the moment.

Well there is more than just oil and gas jobs out here. I’ve done just fine and I’ve never worked in oil and gas. That said, yes, it has slowed down a bit with hiring intentions and some shops are cleaning out the less productive workers. But Alberta will likely still outpace the rest of Canada in labour and GDP growth next year so its hardly some epic depression. Alberta will be a little more like Ontario and Quebec this year rather than a booming economic superpower. No big deal. Unemployment rates will still be much lower here than anywhere else other than Saskatchewan, which honestly is the economic place to be if you can stand the small town aspect and brutal cold.