Richard Sherman

Does Stanford offer “concessions” to its student athletes? I really don’t know the answer to that.

Like I’ve said before, Vince Young made “academic progress” at the University of Texas for four years. And I’m not sure if he could pour piss out of a boot with instructions written on the bottom.

Richard Sherman had a 4.1 GPA coming out of Compton. Whatever Stanford may have given him, I don’t think the high school made concessions. He is not Vince Young (2.8 high school GPA). His SAT score is low, but his GPA was really good.

Admissions standards at Stanford are more relaxed for four- and five-star recruits (as they would be for any special “intangible” you could bring to the table at any top school). However, but there are still far more top athletes who get denied admissions than who actually get in. If you’re a three-star recruit, forget about getting an athletic scholarship at Stanford and good luck getting in the same way as everybody else.

Athletes have the same graduation requirements and are graded in the same way as everyone else, except for certain “all athlete” classes like freshman writing that really just have to be scheduled at unusual times because of the sports team’s training schedules.

Maybe Sherman doesn’t have an SAT score to write home about, and say what you will about a salutatorian at Compton High School – most wouldn’t say this is one of the top magnet schools in this country – but for a guy who basically managed to make the most of what he could with the hand he was dealt, performed as well academically as one can among his high school peers, stayed out of trouble (a pretty tough thing to do in Compton), and has freakish football talent. There are still far more reasons to “accept” rather than “deny.”

This is the crux of the discussion. Crabtree gets a hacksaw.

There is no such thing as bad publicity, he is making a name for himself to those who don’t follow football. He didn’t swear, nor did he say anything to out of hand. Fact of the matter is, if his andrenoline wasn’t so elevated giving the appearance of yelling, it probably wouldnt receive that much attention. Nevertheless, i think this is an intelligent move and i like the fact that emotion is being brought to these interviews.

On the same topic, who cares about his academic record. He isn’t running for office nor is he saying he is a genius, he just proclaimed he was the best football player.

Haha at Crabtee.

MJ talked trash all the time. Him and Larry Bird were the best at it. The difference between them and Sherman is that Sherman make his trash talking public to the world. MJ and Bird kept it on the court.

Whether people like it or not, what Richard Sherman did was the right thing to do. Think about it, people are going to be talking about him for the next two weeks…

Itera = Sherman?

You hear Itera slamming Non Top 2 MBA programs as mediocre along with those who don’t work in SS ER out in Midtown Manhattan. Greenie took the business end of one of his tirades.

I wouldn’t brag too loud if I was successful covering an average receiver like Crabtree. I wouldn’t pick up Crabtree in fantasy if he was on waivers.

he is still a hall of famer

TO should not be in the HOF and neither should Randy Moss.

I will concede that their stats are glaring and that they both will likely make the HOF, but neither of them won a championship, neither of them could stick with one team, and both of them had character issues.

As a fan, give me guys like Reggie Wayne, Hines Ward, Isaac Bruce, and Donald Driver.

You would seriously pick Hines Ward over TO or Moss?

Randy Moss is HoF for sure. TO…maybe.

Randy Moss to the HoF? Seriously? Just look at what he was able to do in the one year that he actually had a good QB throwing to him. If he had a Joe Montana throwing to him for 10 years, he would probably have been just as good as, or better than, Jerry Rice.

I don’t see any way that TO doesn’t make the HoF. Disregarding all the off-the-field issues, he’s a top-10 all time receiver.

According to they’re both projected to be first ballot HoFers.

Just so long as Ray Guy makes it in before either of them I’ll be happy.


TO should not be in the HOF and neither should Randy Moss.

I will concede that their stats are glaring and that they both will likely make the HOF, but neither of them won a championship, neither of them could stick with one team, and both of them had character issues.

As a fan, give me guys like Reggie Wayne, Hines Ward, Isaac Bruce, and Donald Driver.


That’ simply asinine. You have either never seen an NFL game or you are greatly exaggerating the impact a receiver can have on a team. Never has a wide receiver carried a team to a super bowl victory. Sure, great receivers have been parts of great TEAMS that won super bowls but to say a receiver can’t be in the hall of fame because they were on a super bowl winning team is ludicrous.

By your logic Cris Carter, Steve Largent, Andre Reed, and James Lofton shouldn’t be in the hall of fame, or for that matter any other player who didn’t play on a super bowl winning team.

what is meatpacking distrikt

In defense of Hines Ward, he was a brutal blocker, as opposed to say Randy Moss. Ward also has more receptions than Moss, however I think the deep threat of Moss was amazing and should be a first ballot HoFer, even if he didn’t pass the 1,000-reception mark. TO is a dbag but still has the numbers to get in. Not sure if he’ll be lumped with the backlog of other deserving WRs.

Unfortunately I think Ward will have a hard time getting into Canton.

YES, if I had a HOF vote. NO, if I am picking a team to win one game.

I concede that TO and Moss at their best were more talented than Hines Ward at his best - not even close.

I have no issues with what Richard Sherman said or did. Let’s marvel at this guys engage in animalistic behavior all game but let’s also expect them to be our typical serene interview respondents at the end of the game. I havent seen the footage but apparently he and Crabtree were mic’d up for the game and he didn’t initiate anything.

And…he didn’t say anything inaccurate. Crabtree is mediocre at best. Sherman is one of the best if not the best corner in the game. Erin Andrews loved it. What’s all the fuss about?

I do agree that if Peyton rips him and that defense to shreds with Jacob Tamme catching the game winner, Tamme can come to him and talk smack.