Sarah Palin Talks Bailout Proposal

She’s a fembot, baby.

Gadzooks. Every time I watch crap like this, I think why did I spend so much time studying when I should have just been a bimbo. How could McCain pick her?

Not that I disagree with all you guys…but I kinda feel bad for her.

You’re kidding. Poor Sarah, she’s so cute and innocent looking and all these people are saying bad words about her, like “bimbo”, “fembot”, and “MILF”.

Why did McCain choose her?

MILF isn’t a bad word. If I were a middle-aged woman, I’d love to be called that, lol. Anyways, I can’t wait until she gets totally destroyed on Thursday’s debate.

kp824 Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > Terrible. > > How this is still a fairly close race is beyond > me. > > Sarah I can See Russia From My House Palin? > Seriously? Likely due to the fact that the opposition has 0 experience. Just a guess…

sternwolf Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > Why did McCain choose her? Because she is a woman, Hillary is a woman, therefore all voters who would have voted for Hillary and don’t like Obama would surely vote for McCain…or something like that.

Holy christ…that was pretty scary…she really has no clue at all…why the heck did he pick her? How’s a Mitt Romney VP card looking now?? He would dominate on economic topics

Intrade has Obama at 61 and McCain at 37. This is the first major election where I’m looking at decision markets as much as (or more than) polls.

oh my oh my…i understand not voting democrat, but can you really justify voting FOR her after watching that? Yikes.

I agree man. I usually vote conservative but between this interview and my utter disgust with the last 8 years I just may have to change my tune

Really, how is this different than every other politician who won’t/doesn’t answer a question straight? Biden is known to talk in circles and put his foot in his mouth as well.

Completely agree as well. She is a joke. And McCain’s recent political posturing during all this has really hit a nerve. At least the Obama campaign is TRYING to understand what is going on.

Anyone ever take a look at her resume?? It took her 6+ years to graduate college, bouncing around a number of no-name state and community colleges. Alas, she does have a BA in communications!

It will be awesome when a young-earth creationist who thinks Iraq was a “task from god” and Jesus will “come back within my lifetime” is put in charge of the world’s 2nd biggest nuclear arsenal. McCain-Palin 2008

Why wait for Armageddon when you can make it yourself?

I mean how tough is it?? Just show a little effort that you are trying to understand whats going on economy wise and most Americans will give her the benefit of the doubt. She’s throwing globaliztion, healthcare reform and job creation in this discussion on a question about the bailout. Thursday should be fun in a train wreck kinda way

oh my I hope she doesn’t see that post from bchadwick, it might just give her her first actual idea…and its not that she dodges questions, its that she obviously doesnt know anything about the issue to speak on. Tying in the bailout to healthcare and talking about the US’s fear of trade…really? Why not throw in a line about how this bailout will help gray wolf populations across the country…

bchadwick Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > Why wait for Armageddon when you can make it > yourself? Speaking of Armageddon… there’s a clip on YouTube of her attending a church service in Wasilla, something referred to as “Masters Commission: Wasilla Alaska” in a TV ad included in the clip. This is apparently not her regular church, but she was there for some function. Anyway, the minister standing beside her in the clip states his belief that when Armageddon comes, lots of people from the lower 48 will seek refuge in Alaska, and that the church should be ready for it. He then gives a certificate to Palin, who has remained politely standing beside him instead of running away like any sane politican should, for her appearance. Country first!