Sell-side ER interview coming up

Try to act confident too man. I just phone interviewed some groveling little school boy and it made me want to puke. It’s kind of the same with chicks. Act like you are too good for a girl and that they need you more than you need them and they will start to believe that. This stuff goes a long way in the business world. All in all, just be polite and don’t suck up.

Had the interview. Pure fit questions. We’ll see what happens.

Told ya! Keep us posted

cool. What is your 20? (location)

Montreal (Canada). But this position was for either Toronto/Vancouver. Thanks again for the constructive input.

no worries… Just curious, what are you expecting the salary range for this position to be?

Not sure to be honest. 35k-40k?

wow… is that in CAD?

Yup. But at this point, I don’t care about pay as long as it pays the rent. Need that experience. Where are you located?

Silicon Valley… that just strikes me as really low for that kind of position, but I agree with you on the experience part. Good luck!