September 2018 CAIA Level II - How is everybody doing? Share Ideas, report progress and share your EXAM RESULTS !!!

Yup, looks like I def failed :confused:

I am still in the exam cycle limbo.

Paranoia is going into overdrive now.

Got the same message as Kthecfafighterā€¦

It allows me to register for the membership?.. No results yetā€¦

hope its a sign that you passed!

I really hope soā€¦ That exam was a killer, I feel like I certainly failed it.

scores are out

Results in. Passed!

Results are out. I PASSED. good luck everyone.

Passed!!! the pass rate this year is 62%ā€¦

I passed!!!

Grats! Waiting for my email to come through.

Took level one twice and finally passed l2 on my third pass.

Itā€™s a pass!!!

Iā€™m still waiting as see no email. It does say on Website Iā€™m eligible to become a member so maybe thatā€™s a good sign.

Passed! Good luck guys

Failed - just got my Schweser package reordered for free. Scored weak in one of the smallest parts of the exam - so guessing I missed by a hair or two haha

ā€¦hoping 2019 doesnā€™t give me extended response questions that revolve around 8 manually calculate questions! that was a brain ripper! :ā€™( then again I got the FRM too ā€¦ so I should be more than prepared for the shredder of a year 2019 will be :smiley:

Passed! Good luck to everyone!

Go under MyExamInfo. Also yet to receive email, but result there, with breakdown.