Suggestions please, less expensive place to live, work in NYC

Hoboken is a gateway drug to New Jersey. Living there is only one short conversation away from your girlfriend saying to you that she would like more space ten more minutes out on the NJRR with a nice picket fence. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hahahaha - very very true. +1

IheartMath - you are a Boston fan?

celtics and patriots fan since college, but born and raised in NY so I’m a yankees fan… i like keeping it confusing

^so many directions I can go with that comment.

like what?!

Like if you wore a string bikini but tatooed “do not enter” on your butt cheeks.

just tell your friend to get a small small room in midtown

with one of those beds that comes out from the wall

JohnThainsLimoDriver Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > Like if you wore a string bikini but tatooed “do > not enter” on your butt cheeks. no.

It was a statement, not a question.