The Movie Thread

I saw Neighbours / Bad Neighbours a couple of weeks ago, that was ok, some funny moments.

Mud does not belong in that list.

I was going through Netflix the other day and was pleasantly surprised with “Drinking Buddies”. I didn’t expect much going into it considering the actors involved. It’s the story of two buddies from the opposite sex. You can feel the sexual tension between the 2 friends. Both have significant others. The guy knows he has a great fiance and that she’s a keeper and he knows that the very attractive friend would be nothing more than a fun short term fling…you can feel his confusion.

Watched “Transformers: Dark of the Moon” last night on cable. After about 15 minutes, I surmised that it would be terrible. Turns out I was right.


How people still pay Michael Bay to make movies is beyond me.

Who are you kidding. You don’t strike me as the unfaithful type so i see your friday being surrounded, literally by surround sound, of HD porn. Just confess your sins to Sys and Igor tomorrow and all will be forgiven.

^Dude, I’ve got two kids. Pretty soon, they’ll be smart enough to find any porn I leave on the TV or computer.

That’s why I have the V Downloader app on my phone, hidden inside a folder of useless stuff. It’s portable, so I can take it anywhere I go, and it doesn’t leave a trail. Tube8, here I come!

Disgusting… Enjoy!

Anything with Scarlett Johansson. Don’t care how terrible the plot is.

Sin City 2 coming out…

I walked out of Under the Skin.

I stand by my statement. Again, I couldn’t care less about the plot. It’s all about the visuals.

It doesn’t even have good visuals. It’s like Species, but without the acting, suspense, or nudity.

Based on the gifs I’ve seen floating around, I’d say the visuals are pretty nice.

What happens in the movie is that Scarlett drives around and kills men or picks them up (real dudes, not actors) and then presumably kills them later. For some reason she gets these dudes to undress. You see way more of them than her. Regardless, she doesn’t act all that sexy. She’s sexier as the voice in Her and you don’t even see her in that movie. I can get better visuals of her from a google search (that red dress).

Is that the one based in bonnie Scotland? Is the problem that you can’t understand what anybody is on about?

I’m with kys916 on this one.

Went to see 22 Jump Street last night but due to a sold out cinema had to settle for Edge of Tommorow.

Turned out to be a great movie. Solid action, a few funny moments and a twist in the story mechanic keept it feeling fresh.

^ I really want to go see that but nobody wants to come with me, my gf and my buddies all hate Tom Cruise / think the film will be garbage.

I’m getting dragged to Mrs Brown’s Boys D’Movie this week when the World Cup has a break.

I fucking hate Mrs Brown’s Boys

da fuck?

Who can hate Tom Cruise?