Things people say at your firm

I like to mumble some combination of words: “set” and “building on fire” combined with sighing loudly for effect and banging my desk once in a while

Instead of forms, we have sharepoints, which are essentially online forms.

I dislike how everyone turns acronyms into words, when they are no easier to say. I understand turning them into words if it saves you a syllable or two – but if it actually makes saying the word more ‘difficult’, then you are just doing it to be pretentious.

I have occasionally said things with as many buzzwords as I can, and surprisingly, it makes me sound like a totally on-top-of things manager even though I’ve actually said nothing at all. Human psychology is pretty amazing.

Don’t boil the ocean, Junior. Just zero in on that value proposition, and hit those action items I’ve outlined. I’ll circle back to touch base on Friday for a debrief! Action!

After she ‘touched base’ with me, I ‘circled back’ and gotta ‘out of her box’ and from a ‘high level’ took another ‘deep dive…’ and well, ya’ll know the rest…

I was incentivized to shift her paradigm and touch her base with my low hanging fruits, taking a holistic view of her key stakeholders. Going forward, I pushed the envelope for a deep dive for some joined-up thinking.

That was a win-win situation for both from an end-user perspective as our shareholder values peaked together, maximizing the synergies.

^^^Sounds like a friendly merger rather than a hostile takeover, but you should still be careful because once the goodwill gets written down, those synergies turn into high fixed costs.

You gotta liquidate the asset before it turns toxic

I’m gonna drop that line on my boss when he asks me that next time LOL. his office is usually spotless so maybe I’ll respond with “why is your desk so clean?”. gotta love those bosses that you can crack jokes with/at. makes the days a bit easier.

what rustles my jimmies is when someone says “I’ll flip that email to you” or “flip that file to me” ah man I can’t stand it.

only bosses can get away with clean desks.

for the rest of us, it looks like we’re not working hard enough

My coworker likes to say, even to female clients. " its better to be a lil "behind " than a “big ass” "…the look at the clients faces makes me smile all the time

The language is infectious - I did a 4 month internship, and by the end of it my favorite phrase was “give me some color on that”.

It’s just the way they talk. And for youngins like me, knowing the lingo helps alot during interviews - makes you sound good.

You pay bannas you get monkeys.

My boss refering to the quality of work I give him


Call from random guy in same firm seven floors up:

Hey I heard you are CFA qualified, can I ask you something.


yada yada yada [insert question]

I don’t know the answer, sorry CFA does not cover everything.

“I told him to go pound sand.”

…did ya?

Things I hate to hear.

  1. I know, right!

Just say I know or right! No need to say both fucktard.

  1. What’s the deliverable?

Oh, you know, just etch a sketch a yield curve and courior it to me without fugging it up!

  1. I know you’re drinking out of a firehose.

No, you’re just saying one thing while expecting another. Provide details as to what you not instead of assuming you know what u sayin.

  1. Politics.

Just STFU! Really. Just cause I’m black, don’t mean I’m votin for Obama.

  1. Heavy lifting. Blockin and tackling. Piggyback on that idea.

starting to occur to me that I shouldn’t be in a corporate environment anymore. I feel like puking when I hear these phrases…

I think “block and tackle” comes from some football analogy but I never played so I have no idea.

Ben Graham used it first.

Googling, it seems to say “concentrate on the basics.” e.g.

“Pari-Passu” or moving at an equal pace.

who is the Thought Leader on this? hate that…

Ron Baker?