This is why people are fat

I agree with 90% of that PA. But I would argue against government planning and for government non-intervention. I think supply would naturally become more elastic and responsive to price signals generated by relative supply and demand.

as for “what people demand”, a big reason why processed grains and grains in general are in high demand is because of cost. 80% of the population goes to the store and says to themselves “do i want to spend $20 on a piece of beef or $4 on a giant box of cheerios or bag of rice?”. if more people demanded beef or the proteins that you think are optimal, the price of these items would skyrocket because meat and animal fats are some of the most energy and cost intensive foods possible. the fact that america has a population of 300 million means that your optimal diet is impossible to acheive.

everything is a tradeoff. there is very little bad to say about whale blubber. it is very healthy and comes with few negatives. that said, it is a f#&@load more expensive than other fats. extracting the fat from grains and other cheap sources is driven by demand for cheap fats.

you’re still wrong on meats. plants are good. meats not so much. whole grains > whole meats.

Indeed, this feeds into my conspiracy theory that the U.S. government NEEDS and encourages its population to stick to unhealthy and cheap calories because otherwise civil unrest would ensue. It also allows them to waste trillions of dollars on things like policing the world.

That’s true, and it’s not conspiracy, just the lack of options.

The food supply has been almost all grains, and only ~15% meat since the Neolithic period 10,000 years ago. Each tribe’s government must say “grains are healthy, meat is bad”, because naturally nobody wants to eat dry unprocessed grains, but meat is fantastic tasting. So you make the grains into grain oil and grain syrup to get people to eat that shit by sneaking it into every single food. Then they die. Then you make up excuses about how they “didn’t move around enough”, or that it was “demand driven”.

As usual, I’ve already calculated a dozen chess moves out. You solve multiple problems at once, or none at all. 1) calc optimal population, 2) put birth laws into place that gently promote eugenics, 3) as population drops alter food supply to optimal, 4) this drop in population also solves the environmental change problems.

Shouldn’t be hard to see that. But the current humans aren’t capable of this type of macro-analysis and long-term plan setting, so they need to leap to the next intelligence level to solve their problems. That becomes circular though, because they are getting dumber off their current diet…

^you shuold propose that to the DPRK.

might be a game changer

Interesting take! Moderation really is key when it comes to pasta—or any food, for that matter. Speaking of this topic, it reminds me of some hilarious fat jokes I came across recently. They’re all lighthearted and perfect for a good laugh! You can check them out Sometimes, humor is the best way to tackle these discussions about food and diet.

Not everyone finds fat jokes as funny as you do.
Making A Fat Joke Could Land You In Hot Water At Northwestern University

This is pure gold:

“Northwestern, for instance, is holding a course titled “Critical Fat Studies” in its gender studies department this year that will expose students to “explorations of the construction [of] the body through gender, race, class, size, sexuality, ability and/or culture.” Princeton University previously offered a course titled “FAT: The F-Word and the Public Body” while Brown University held a week-long summer course called “Politics of Fatness” which had students examine “fatness” through “feminist-gender” and racial lenses.”

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I wonder if any Fat Studies majors go on to take the CFA exams

Soundgarden has been looking for a new singer to replace Chris Cornell who died in 2017.
They’ve been playing gigs as Nudedragons (an anagram of Soundgarden).
Here’s one of the contenders (Shaina Shepherd) in action.
Things were going well until she tried crowd surfing

video on twitter

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:grimacing: :see_no_evil:

In the hayday of ESG it could’ve been a good combo to have the CFA and a major in Study of Obesity. Now when ESG is slowly but steadily turning into a joke, Fat Studies might never become a sought after skill.

Sad and discriminatory!

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This lovely lady (Detroit rapper Dank Demoss, who reportedly weighs 489lbs) is suing Lyft because a driver told her she wouldn’t fit in his car and she needed to order an XL vehicle

added: she’s wearing shorts and a jog-bra, must be coming from the gym

Interesting case. The way Ms.Demoss over here thinks reminds me of some other current issues and how it seems to me that more and more, some people seem to blur the line between reality (sometimes harsh) and their idealized version of it.

Take Ms. Demoss, for example. She wants to fit into a standard-sized car—but reality disagrees. Instead of accepting this inconvenient truth, she pins the blame on the unsuspecting Lyft driver.

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