Trade War

Should also point out that I did not know where to find the Water Cooler. Why not put under one of the top pull down menus? In any case, I’ve found reading material for the next 2.5 months. Seems to be good action in some of these threads.

People who have followed President Trump since the beginning are miles ahead of the so called experts, fake news, ect… People want to try to put words in his mouth, give their liberal bias take of it… go to the source!

Can’t remember was posted or not, I probably posted it but it’s worth watching again



2011, promises made, promises kept.

The man practices what he preaches. Can’t take that away from him.

Another player has emerged!

Just to be clear, he preaches taking information and help from foreign governments against his political opponents. I can only assume he’s also practicing?

Lol, a little out of context but sure!

whats so wrong with getting help from foreign governments? so lets say north korea gives us 100b dollars in aid, we shoudl ibve iet back

crooked Hillary, a woman intent on destroying the United States and possibly the world, took tons of foreign money

dirty french people