Any non-American and likely many Americans probably view Rubio as insane too. He’s the least insane, but we are still talking about a guy that thinks creationism needs to be taught alongside evolution. That is absolutely insane.
I haven’t followed Rubio for long, but it seems like he’s drifted to the far right as a last ditch effort to get some votes. Trump, if you actually read his policies (I admit I just did for the first time yesterday) is very moderate-right. In fact, if he wasn’t Donald Trump, I wouldn’t be that displeased with him as a candidate (I don’t want a huge, huuuuge wall though). Anyway, Cruz was always the far-right nutjob but he’s started to fade so I think Rubio is trying to capture Cruz’s votes.
Rubio didn’t seem that crazy a year ago, at least I don’t remember him being as crazy. Could be I just wasn’t looking though.
A lot of Trump’s policy ideas really aren’t bad. He has some batshit crazy ideas, but on the whole I agree with him. My main problem with him is that all he has are ideas/statements and no real plans, at least not plans he’s cared to share with the voters. To the best of my knowledge, the only plan he has actually released is his tax plan and all he really did was take Jeb’s plan and knock a couple of percentage points of the various tax rates.
His answer to every direct question on actual issues is that he knows how to get things done, he’s proven he can get things done, so he’ll get it done. I realize that works with a lot of the voting public, but I need some actual substance.
Similar to ohai’s comment, the president needs to be good at delegating and leading. Obviously there has to be details behind the idea and a plan to get it done, but we don’t need the president to be the expert on that subject. I think tax reform is a huge issue, i don’t need the next president to be a tax expert, he/she just needs to genuinely understand how important the issue is and be able to work with congress to get something done.
are there sportsbooks that take bets on who will be the next president? id like to see the odss…other might be a good bet if getting something like 2/5 odds
Odds to win the 2016 Electoral Vote (All Bets Action) Hillary Clinton +100 Donald Trump +200 Marco Rubio +300 Bernie Sanders +500 Ted Cruz +2500 John Kasich +2500 Ben Carson +25000 Field (Any Other President) +1500 The odds adjust frequently. Hillary’s odds improved over the last seven days.
This proves trump is a great deal maker. He sells his name to starry eyed wannabe developers, makes the management fee and takes none of the risk. Beautiful. We need this kind of deal making in the White House for a change.
From Bloomberg today. People are realising we don’t need a technocrat in the white house, we need someone who will strike better deals for the U.S.:
Senator Jeff Sessions of Alabama, who has spoken positively about Trump as well as Cruz for taking hard lines on immigration and trade, said Trump has a set of advantages and policy provisions that have resonated with regular working people.
Trump, for one, doesn’t have to spend his time talking to donors, Sessions noted. And, he said, Trump has been very strong on those two issues from the start.
“What Trump understands is that we have the power” on trade, Sessions said. Other countries “have to have our market,” he said.
“If we have a tough trade negotiator, I believe we can block and stop currency manipulations and subsidies and other trade abuses,” he said. “The day is over that we should ever lose a single job as a result of trade cheats.”