Ultimate Leverage! LMK what you think

Lol hell to the no. I decided a very long time ago. I do not want to work long hours. I literally cannot.

Just do drugs like the rest of them time flies when you’re having fun

Any avenues I should be gunning for? I was thinking product management or corporate development. What roles did ur buddies take?

This to me or no?

Yes sir!

Depends really what floats your boat. You can sit down with the recruiting dept they will help you figure out all this stuff. My one buddy who is a pretty senior exec at Coupang cut his teeth in risk mgmt. Others are in other roles. Coming into tech from the PE side is also a possibility. Become an exec at a portfolio company if you land a job at a good PE shop. Or you can go VC route focusing on tech firms. So many possibilities honestly. Sit down and have a good strategy talk with the recruiting dept they are pros at this. I am just an old man these days.

Real estate as a side topic is a no brainer - no barrier to entry lol.

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Go big red lol

I’m just thinking of ways to minimize taxes. I figure real estate is one way due to the healthy tax deductions on comp of real estate related and tech is another with stock comp. but do you know what exact job titles and careeer paths have the best work life balance. Aka best hourly rate. Very little stress. Like who’s the happiest of their careers?

A good real estate PE shop or similar sort of setup should give you sweet hours and honestly you’ll be able to copy it all for your own shop after a few years if you want. It’s not rocket science but the money can be huge there. And they aren’t working banking hours for the most part.
Far from it. Not saying they are slackers. But it’s no meat grinder.

hes not an engineer. he is in their M&A/corporate development group

i spoke to a pe analyst guy that told me he worked brutal hours. maybe those repe firms are good, but definitely not the big traditional ones like blackstone, tpg, and kkr’s of the world.

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As a general rule - and there are always exceptions of course - if you’re entering a large big name firm it will come with the expected work hours. Everyone competes in a pie eating contest where they are trying to win more pie. But you don’t need to go to one of them if you’re looking for more lifestyle. Culture is set by management. Anyway you will have a lot of options surely. Your recruiting dept should become your go to resource at USC. They have information and profiles on many companies coming to interview students, I would guess. Cheers!

All of this is details. If the Zoomers are to be believed, all that is needed to achieve total success and realize your wildest goals is to mentally manifest it into existence! And financing? Pfft. I’ve got one word — Bitcoin. Who said there’s no such thing as a free lunch?


It’s my money and I need cash NOW

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