Universal basic income

yes, i’m still thinking of a competitive marketplace and I agree that a resource base economy would probably more optimal, but I just don’t see how it could be realistically implemented. Interesting concept still.

I don’t like capitalism, I just think there is no realistic alternative

You have not understood nothing what I wrote in my first post. I know it was really short for explaining a whole economic system that not only considers the production function but the also the human resource in a deep importance.

The indian freeloader you talk about exists because the current system. If you stop mixing apples and oranges you would start understanding the model.

No, I got it, you’re just wrong. Nothing in your response suggests otherwise. There’s a reason the US dominates populist economies like India.

As I said in my first post. Governments must not exist. Indeed what “governs” everything is the people will. People are willing to serve for others using their best skills and abilities to develop the society. As information and technology is free for everyone and the resources are objectively managed by groups of highly educated and altruistic people, welfare is created for everyone.

I admit this is what would be like if the system would be already successfully implemented… but if we don’t even think about the result, how could we think about the process of change? You are giving up on a good system because the solely factor that it is really “hard” to implement.


So you think people would innovate less if we gave them like, 30 K in basic income?

You are again mixing apples and oranges. At the current system US must dominate populist ideas because that would threaten the weak “peace” we have achieved so far if not stopped. Just understand that I’m not wrong, nor the system I propose. Do you really think that the current socio-economic system is sustainable in the long-term? I think your mind is much more focused on wiping out the elements that do not match with the current system rather than accept diversity and mutual support between every person in earth.

Education is not only reading technical books, but also human reasoning development, moral and feelings.


where do you come up with this crap?

The crap that will keep your grandsons’ grandsons alive.

Yes. Necessity is the mother of invention on several levels. There’s a reason the children of billionaires with all the resources at their disposal are nowhere to be seen on the leader board.

I’m out, this is some Sunday school type sh*t once the Ganesh got involved.

So your economic model assumes long-term necessity in order to have innovation. Wow, I don’t like your world.


I know this is too much information for a single day, however I exhort you to think about this when your animus is calmed down.

So does this newly formed entity without a government have a military?

I’m really afraid that you were expecting a round “YES”. The true answer is a partial No.

Why? A long story to tell. Perhaps I’m not willing to explain it to a person that has not contributed nothing good so far.

Who let this guy in? People do things for their own interests. Yes, you can “train” a society to better act in the long-term interests of the broader group rather than themselves to some extent. However, assuming that people are “willing to serve” more than others out of the goodness of their hearts is very naive. It’s been tried before and has failed miserably. There’s little incentive to work harder.

I do agree that economics will change considerably if we have machines doing a lot of our menial work for us.

LMAO, I would better ask: who let you in?

You are a moron. Do you know how many people in the world shows indeed a true altruistic behavior? The quantity would surprise you. Of course I don’t expect you particularly to do nothing for the rest of people, probably you would be a free rider (parasite) for years until you felt the necessity to do something of good that would benefit not just you, but the others.

I would suggest to educate people, not to train them. Your training, in the other hand, seems incomplete, so its better to aim to your education. Work on it.

Lol, again the moron. It’s ok, I respect the individuality of people, that is the result of the current socio-economic structure. Scarcity in many levels create people running for themselves, so its really hard to give away resources. In a world driven by abundance the individuality starts to vanish.

Have you failed on this?

Not necessary either. If you read my first post you can see that not everyone would be required to serve, just a small group of people, who btw are the best in many levels. I even talk about the risk of running out of people willing to serve.


Image result for mind exploding gif blood

This thread, in many ways, has reached higher levels of stupidity than the Infowars topics. I didn’t think it was possible to get on a level more out there than Infowars, but we have arrived, people.

Image result for mind exploding gif blood

This is you and your _ altruistic _ world, locked in a room ignoring the pings of reality, drawing how great it is for people to be incentivized on a sheet of paper, patting yourself on the back because youre so proud of yourself for coming up with these grand ideas… get woke, bro