Venture Capital or Dentistry??

Tells you something about Taleb’s teeth…

I considered going to PA (Physician Assistant) school immediately after college. I had an undergrad in bio but didn’t have the grades or the $ to get into medical school. Sometimes i regret the decision, especially when I have to deal with all the corporate bs (team building exercises???), but like others have said the grass is always greener. The biggest advantage a dentist has over other MDs is the cheaper malpractice insurance. “Too many good docs are getting out of the business. Too many OB-GYNs aren’t able to practice their love with women all across this country.” -GWB

JoeyDVivre Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > rohufish is into sheep too. actually, little joey’s are better…

Etienne Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > Lostinlife - you gotta ignore this kid ^. He’s a > pleb. > > Now I don’t know about your problem, but me… I > think… > > I wanna be a shepherd. I wanna move up to Nashua, > get a nice little spread, get some sheep and tend > to them. you’re back! good for you. signed, “this kid” chuckle

rohulfish, I think i’d appreciate your advice a little more if you refrained from insulting me in the same sentence. Also, you seem to think I’m convinced that I’d be some fantastic VC - where did I say anything remotely close to this? I’m considering not even taking the job, so obviously I have concerns about my longevity in that field. “give me some validation for what is so blindingly shiny about you that the successful entrepreneurs are going to be lining up for you to join their board while paying respects with offerings of % stakes of their sweat and tears company at your feet.” - - you sound very bitter Obviously, I didn’t think I’d find an answer by posting my dilemma on an internet forum. I was just interested in hearing other peoples thoughts. Joey - good find, but I’ve yet to post anything on a dentistry forum. Somehow I think the average dentist wouldn’t have a clue about venture capital.

I for one am an anti - dentite However, since you wont be a CFA and subject to its ethical code, and wont be a real MD and subject to its ethical code, you may be able to have some ‘interesting’ situations when people are under the gas…

Lostinlife Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > rohulfish, > > I think i’d appreciate your advice a little more > if you refrained from insulting me in the same > sentence. > > Also, you seem to think I’m convinced that I’d be > some fantastic VC - where did I say anything > remotely close to this? I’m considering not even > taking the job, so obviously I have concerns about > my longevity in that field. > > “give me some validation for what is so blindingly > shiny about you that the successful entrepreneurs > are going to be lining up for you to join their > board while paying respects with offerings of % > stakes of their sweat and tears company at your > feet.” > - - you sound very bitter > > Obviously, I didn’t think I’d find an answer by > posting my dilemma on an internet forum. I was > just interested in hearing other peoples thoughts. > > > Joey - good find, but I’ve yet to post anything on > a dentistry forum. Somehow I think the average > dentist wouldn’t have a clue about venture > capital. my friend, you have to be specific about your dilemma, or you won’t be taken seriously. what specifically is the tradeoff you are torn between? you sound fearful of both options. having doubts about a job in hand, and about getting thru dental school. how do you expect to make it thru the tough years like that? pick your passion, and strive to excel at it. but about VC, i do believe that career VCs, unless the top handful who really get a kick out of pure money making and deal making, need to first be entrepreneurs. you need to add value to the company beyond just giving them a fistful of money. let the jokes roll off your back like water, don’t take it personally

Fair enough. I guess I don’t have a specific question, I’m just trying to decide between two options. I’m not that fearful of getting through school, that was just the only real risk associated with that route. I’ve already completed quite a difficult post-graduate degree, so I suppose I know what I’m getting into. We’ll see, I’ve got some meetings setup this week that should help me decide.

clearly dentistry - if only for the jokes!! anti-dentite

'Somehow I think the average dentist wouldn’t have a clue about venture capital." Actually my dentist loves to talk with me about the market - probably because he’s got so damn much money. I swear the most common profession I run into a ski resorts is dentists. I ask this completely seriously and not in an antagonistic manner at all: Why the heck would you want to go into dentistry? Yeah, the lifestyle/money balance seems pretty good, but the work itself seems horrible. A passion for teeth? Eh, my mother’s a kidney doctor, and I could never get a good answer to “why kidneys” out of her.

Lostinlife Rohufish has given you some excellent insight into the VC industry. I’ve been working in it for a few years now and I will be using some of his pithy comments in future presentations … and passing them of as my own, of course. Two points that I’d make; firstly, good opportunities to learn in a half decent VC outfit are about as abundant as a full set of fossilised, diamon-encrusted, hen’s-teeth on the moon. If you have such an opportunity without having to offer up a kidney to NakedPut’s mum … well, I’d take it and see how it works out. Secondly, dentistry as a second degree in the UK ees mucho-dinero senor … can you afford it? (Without crippling debt?) If the answer is Mummy & Daddy Money maybe we are getting at the deep problem. If there is no real pressure to make your own way in the world you are just a dilettante, and this will only be this year’s crisis decision. Didn’t Warren Buffet say something about leaving his kids enough money to do anything, but not enough to do nothing.