VIDEO: Leaked ABC News Insider Recording, regarding Epstein

What else have you learned through your travels?

Turd, er, I mean “Charlie Work,” please tell us the dark details of the Pedogate dossier that your laudable investigative work has unearthed…a bunch of zombies around here need to get WOKE AF dude…

I’ve already stated everything. Some things will turn out to be inaccurate but the main stuff, sadly, is the state of the world up until recently. The truth is more horrific than you can imagine. But you can make sense of it once you realize that the powers of the world, in exchange for dominion over it, have always, for many millennia, strove to invert reality to get humanity to degrade itself and be unconscious slaves to the top. I say this matter of factly — Satanism rules the world and always has. The good news is we are entering a period of revelation and the choice will be yours. You have unconsciously chosen your own self degradation your entire life. Now you will see reality for what it is and the choice will be yours to make consciously for the first time. It will NOT be easy and it WILL take sustained effort over several years. You will have to clear lifetimes of trauma first and you will have to be willing to let go of most of your beliefs about yourself, the world, and the nature of reality. You will have to choose love in every aspect of your life. One might call this period a tribulation. I’ve spent the last 5 years going through this. I’ve given up hope many times and put myself completely at Gods mercy just to make it through another day. Cleansing your soul is the most important and difficult thing you will ever undertake (much harder than 2.5 3/3). I’m realizing it is a process that never ends and has a way of taking up all of your mental energy. Once you start, there is no going back.

You all are free to mock this it’s fine by me. It is so completely absurd, right? No need to listen to such absurd ideas, right? Well…consider this. How absurd did it sound when I mentioned several years ago that Epstein was a tool of Israeli and US intelligence to obtain blackmail video of powerful people doing awful things in order to control those people? Does it sound so absurd now? This is a very small tip of the iceberg. Every aspect of our entire history is going to be revealed as an orchestrated fraud. All of this is for you. You have no idea what a privilege it is to be alive at this time to be able to make this choice within an incarnation. Your soul has waited and prepared countless incarnations over countless years for this moment in time.

I’m praying for each and every one of you.

Turd, my friend, thank Lord Shiva you have returned. As you can see, the fabrics of the pedo illuminati state have begun to unravel, thanks to good people like you.

Dear bringer of light and breaker of chains, Please provide a link to where you mentioned Epstein previously. I wish to study the Gospel of Turd

Here is one reference I found. There are earlier ones I believe

I wonder if this will be on the next ethics section.

if you know a pedophile running a human trafficing organization do you a) report them b) find out if they are connected to the Clinton’s and British Royalty and if so sweep it under the rug or c) pretend you don’t know what is going on because it can only end badly

Why won’t Trump investigate Epstein?

Trump says he wants a full investigation into Epstein death

Despite dealing with a trade war, Making America Great Again, uniting Americans like no president ever has, dealing with the fake news, impeachment b.s., he takes the time out of his day to work on it. Imagine if crooked hillary was president…

Snitches are amazing. They can literally bring the polarized parties together to make the world a better place!

They prolly have some dirt on The Clintons and trump!

Friends, if there is one video I would beg you to watch, it is this one. Please watch it in its entirety to get an idea of the depth and breadth of this global epidemic.


Wonder whatever happened to that investigation? Last I heard, Barr basically sent all on the working prison officials on reassignments?

Your favorite entertainers are vile, less than human scum. Public hangings.

If someone goes online, looks for child porn, and watches it, they should get the electric chair.

what if an adult porn star pretends and looks like a child. do you still get electric chair?

lol this just popped up. 23 yo female making out and hugging a 55 yo boomer producer. 23 yo looks drugged and incoherent and films it. 55 yo boomer gets the phone and says this isnt good for his career.

Pedowood is real. Public Hangings.

I guess all those sealed indictments are just going to stay sealed until we are all dead.

Do you believe in coincidences? Nothing can stop what is coming.
