What is the most boring subject in CFA curriculum?

It’s a subtle point, but actually one of the economic ideas from the CFA curriculum that is essential and which doesn’t come out in standard university courses is the distinction between accounting profits and economic profits. Durable economic profits is more or less the only thing that *justifies* higher valuations. And large accounting profits aren’t worth anything, unless they are sufficient to overcome the risk premium for those activities.

Anything written by Frank Babozzi (mostly fixed income). I was really interested in the topic, but Fabozzi’s writing is just… kind of disorganized and dry D:

Nobody mentioned pension accounting yet? Not only boring but worthless to most of the world in both theory and practice.


Treynor Black.

Most boring for me has to be Corporate Governance section of Corp Finance.I was totally Numb!!!Some one would have taken out my kidney and I wouldnt havent felt a thing…

@Emy 24

Some one would have taken out my kidney and I wouldnt havent felt a thing…” that is exactly the purpose of corporate governance, but for the share holders!

I did and 100% agree with you… hated it.

maybe ethics, but I try to focus on the goal in tha t moment and just read, read and read…

It’s ethics. Now let’s close this thread before people start believing it’s anything but ethics.

There are many boring and unncessary subjects in the curriculum…

  • GIPS (by far the stupidest section)

  • Pension (how many companies still offer DB plans these days and how many people do the accounting for it?)

  • Pricing derivatives (swaps - seriously? Who does it by hand?)

  • Useless theoretical forumalas in Economics

  • Manual calculations in Statistics (sum of the squared difference of the independent variable and the mean… Excel much?)

  • IPS (i know it’s not “difficult” but i find it very dry and non-sense, it doesn’t worth the time on the exam day by L3 to calculate the return requirement, IMHO)

  • Economics (all those fluffy theory and s***)

  • Derivatives (can’t believe i spent so much time trying to understand this 5% of the material for L1 exam.)

  • Statistics in Quantitative Methods

All the effort you put into derivatives and quant will pay off handsomely at L2. Can’t say the same for econ… you’ll see even more fluff at L2.

GIPS in level 3. Economics by far has been my fav. subject due to what we see going around in the financial world

Ethics is the only one I find boring. I did Econ for undergrad didn’t think it was boring then, don’t think I’ll spend much time on the section though, at least for level 1.

GIPS, GIPS, 1,000 x GIPS!


Macro econ is an art? Are you serious? Econ is the most important topic in finance and the direction of investments. What I think will be an art is you passing that section :wink:

FSA… *snore*…

At least Econ is interesting although marginally harder.

Corporate governance and GIPS

Fixed-income for me.

In curriculum, it was written in long-long-long pages with full of text :frowning: