these Nigerians are playing out of their heads
I think soccer could be really interesting if they let you hit it with your hands, but only like volleyball. You can’t hold the ball only hit.
Suarez has now admitted and apologised for the bite…expect the Barca deal to be announced in the next few days then.
Oui, reputed newspapers running with the story now. Sanchez apparently heading in the other direction. The weaker teams all getting eliminated now.
The Adults are coming out to play.
Brazil Colombia
Netherlands Costa Rica
France Germany
Argentina Belgium
Jizz worthy
I like the little dance the Colombians do after scoring.
Neuer is a brilliant keeper.
Algeria are brilliant. Must be the most physical team in this world cup with a decent amount of technique thrown in.
^They will tire.
Yep, they needed the early goal.
Stranger things have happened though.
I’m expecting Germany to take control of this match in the 2nd half.
commentators just mentioned that the Algerian players have been given permission to start Ramadan late. made me realise that there’s absolutely no way 2022 is going to be in the summer.
Unless we see the air conditioned indoor stadiums?
And whatever happens you have to give props to nations like Algeria, Iran and Costa Rica.
Well played.
Textbook example of how a 0 0 game can be excellent to watch.
If you are Algerian or German you must be sick by now. Heart in mouth last couple of minutes for both set of fans
Are an Islamic nation really going to hold it during Ramadan though?
^Ramadan moves back by a month every year so…by 2022 it will be in winter I assume.
Ramadan shifts and none of the projections coincide with the traditional world cup months of June-July.
Most ridiculous ‘clever’ free kick iv’e seen.
Messi takes the pitch tonight.
Ah ok, makes sense. I feel like I probably should have known that.
That free kick was ridiculous.
I’m also now 100% sure that Muller is a robot. I think Shurrle may also be one too.
Yea, Muller is a freak.
Nailed on to break the real Ronaldo and Klose’s record.