Would you rather have 100 Porsche 911s or these paintings?

Have to nitpick here…percentile rankings are the other way around in the financial product world. 98th percentile is bad. You mean 2nd percentile.

For some reason there are a lot of doctors on pension boards and they have a horrible time wrapping their head around this concept. Whenever we talk about a strategy being in the “3rd percentile” or whatever they think it sucks because in the medical world they’d say that’s the 97th percentile.

I’m actually buying some Doublineline total return next week. The dude knows bonds.

^i think you meant, “The dude knows bondage”

Doubline’s website is subpar. It looks really cheap.

It’s pretty much all of statistics where 98th would be good. It annoys the crap out of me whenever I hear our performance guy talk about the 25th percentile being in the top half.