
Thanks for proving my point. You didn’t read it so you don’t know what’s going on. Definitely NOT whining or looking for empathy, but I can see why you may think that considering you did not read everything. I should have expected trolls when posting this. I was asking for everyone’s thoughts. If I were to have presented a lie or exaggeration then ALL advice and opinions given to me would be useless as they would have been based on a false narrative.

Wise words. Thank you for your input.


Are you wishing the proctors at check-in had taken the calculator away from you? How were you going to pass the exam without a calculator? Take the private reprimand. You were re-writing next year either way. And don’t get reprimanded again.

Am I the only one that noticed that they robbed OP?

I really hope that folks that are confused by a calculator policy choose another profession.

Yes, I wish it was taken away from me at check-in. I would have then went back to pick my approved TI calculator, which was at an Airbnb rental close by.

I really hope that people who lack the mental capacity to take the CFA exams stay out of this thread.

This whole thread is literally about you lacking the mental capacity to bring the correct calculator…

…and this is why we can’t have nice things.

massive thumbs up here

where is the like button here? :slight_smile:

**** this is hilarious…


Do you just carry that HP 10 on your persons at all time? I’m so confused, why would you have that one but not the CFAI approved one? Why even have a disallowed calculator on you in the first place?!

Ignore the haters mate, you know it was an accident.

The 1st time I sat the exam I forgot my calculator completely! To make matters worse the proctors wouldn’t even let me use the calculator app on my iphone! Well let me tell you, I was so mad I threw my phone at the lead proctor. Long story short not only was I not allowed to sit the exam, but I’m the one that gets charged with assault… after they man handle me out? Then to rub salt into the wound I get a PCP too!? Um, helloooo, fair go, the iphone calculator app has less functionality than a normal calculator…

Nice. I set myself up for that one.

I accidently left the approved calculator at my Airbnb rental and the unapproved one was in my backpack. I assumed it was approved. I was wrong. It was a random calculator that I had for a long time.

Take the written reprimand and use it as a learning experience. Would an interviewer care if you were 15 minutes late because you failed to check if the L train was in service?

Begining to think this proctor was not hired by cfai.

I’m ashamed of people like OP and Coastie.