Yo Blake!

I work at a software company that’s growing like crazy. It is awesome.

Different, but awesome.


Congrats. The sooner you find out the industry is contracting, the better.

What do you do there? Just trying to get an understanding of what people with non-CS backgrounds do in software firms.

i remember seeing an opening for IT ppl at Bloomberg some time ago…specifically for ppl with no CS background…don’t really know whats going on there either.

I started out doing corporate finance and now I work with product dev and sales.

I use to be a member of AIMR / CFAI but now I don’t pay my dues anymore.

I analyze very large data sets and implement machine learning algorithms on a cluster. 8 cores / 128 GB RAM.

sounds nice…so you have a CS/math background ?

Lol dude. “Smart” people no matter what the situation is will adapt, learn, fight, whatever. Ozzie Guillen has a great quote I forget it but in PG form it basically states you can drop me anywhere in the world and I will adapt.

The answer is “No” then… moving on

CSK, what university program teaches students how to analyze terabytes of data? I’m just curious since most people I work with went to M.I.T. Dopes like you guys run VBA macros. What would you do if you had to actually write code in matrix form broken up by core on the cluster. Answer: You couldn’t do it.

I think you are missing the point Blake, maybe you need more clusters

blake is awesome…gotta respect the man.

Yeah, more important to show projects completed than credentials in tech/design/etc. One of my contacts graduated college at 16 or something and Phd in phystics in early twenties from a top tech school…his education is below all of his actual accomplishments and he’s only ten or fifteen years in actual experience. That said, there is a big difference between the arcitect and the coder in terms of prestige and comp.

I wonder if anybody here has met blake in person…i’m curious to know if that is him in the pic

blake is just a glitch in the matrix…

I feel you B…The white man is trying to hold you down…just keep doing your thang and let the haters hate