You wish you have done these if time can go back to the first day you study Level II

Every candidate thinks that he took the hardest test ever in the history of test-taking. And if it was harder, CFAI would adjust the minimum to accomodate for the difficulty. I think ayemane is full of baloney.

BTW–I can attest to this–I took the 2013 Level 3, and the AM section was much easier than 2012’s AM section.

And I for one never understood what value we get by comparing whether one year exam was easier than the other etc… Most likely an easy exam is easy for everyone and so is a tough exam. And pass rates dont change based on the difficulty of the exam as CFAI adjusts the MPS accordingly.

Correct me if I am wrong please!

It wasn’t an in-depth, longitudinal study. I just took the 2012 test as a practice exam for 2013. And the difference in difficulty was evident.

I think you’re repeating what I said.

My comment was towards comparing passing rates and the difficulty of the exam over a period mate and not about two years and their relative difficulty.

EOC and Examples in CFAI books. Complete them at expert levels and youll be fine

I think it’s quite impossible to have one year’s exam more difficult than another across the board.

Yes, there are sometimes easier topics on the exam, but usally they “compensate” it by having a more challenging question in another topic, so an exam is rarely “easy” throughout all questions, or “particularly challenging” for all the topics covered.

As well, people have very different background and expertise of knowledge. Should one be an expert in derivatives, he/she may find any questions easy (or at least not difficult) but not always true for other candidates. People almost always remember only the questions they stuck on, if you happen to stuck on fewer questions, you find the exam easier, but is it really true though, for the average test taker?