Your Elite School Is Not Worth The Cost, Studies Say

The problem is you’re not taking into account the natural selection for higher education that currently exists. Right now, you either need to pay money or get a scholarship to get a college education. If anyone could just get in for free, it would just be an extension of high school and you’d have people taking college courses that don’t care to actually learn or apply themselves and they’d be wasting everyone’s time and resources.

So robots will be client facing too? Kinda sweet.

yeah with chatbots once they figure out how to stop them randomly turning racist, homophobic etc for no reason lol

did anyone see the chatbot China banned?

User : What is patriotism?

Chatbot : Despite the rise in numbers of naked officials, (severity of) crony capitalism, increase in taxation, and that the government’s oppression of people is still severe, one is still willing to be a Chinese. This is patriotism.

That’s fucking savage lol

lol yeah UPenn was 2nd choice for my dad

the robots will be robot facing

something envious people say

i still disagree.

1st point. high school in us is mandatory. college is not. so college is not an extension. community college is practically free, yet 62% of the population still dont have even community college. only 30% of us pop have bachelors

2nd point. i would argue that natural selection does exist in higher education. my bro who isnt all that smart tried to go to a community college and dropped out because he couldnt comprehend that well. he still makes around 85k/year. i would argue that natural selection has been occuring since kindergarten, yet people are forced to attend school and some people are passed just because they are getting older. if your argument is right, then we should root out high school, middle school, and elementary (at least the mandatory learning)

3rd point. i would argue that just because you dont care something doesnt mean you dont learn anything. in fact i would argue that learning shit you dont care about is a pretty important trait to have. Comprehension and communication is key.

do you need a min sat score to get in?

where do they dumb folks go to school

hows he making 85 k a year without a college degree? like a car dealership or something

blue collar shit. hes like 33 though. his hourly rate has maxed out. i think he works 50 to 60 hrs/ week. so with ot and dt he makes that much.

In the 2nd last year of school you choose 5-6 subjects to study and you pretty much need 6 A’s to get into one of the top universities and they need to be in core subjects. The selection process can be pretty rigourous.

The dumb f u cks go to lower tier universities or they go to what we call college which is vocational education.

Most people don’t necessarily pick university degree topics based on what they think their career will be. Barely anyone in the UK who works in the buyside studied Finance at university.

I called some plumber to fix a health faucet i bought of the net. he walks in looks around and tells me it’s gonna cost 1k aud. He has to screw a pipe to the water tank of the commode and place a holder on the wall that’s it. I didn’t know how to respond, was i being trolled?

I’d love to see a study about which saves more money- paying the way americans do, or paying 40% taxes for the rest of your life so people can have “free” education.


also if rich ppl are doing it then im doing it.

You’re the Bogan, Monkey D Luffey aren’t you …

lol good job ace

Making 85k without a college degree is pretty easy in my neck of the woods. If you’re willing to sweat it out on a drilling rig, you can make good coin.

make me holla for a dolla. i mean the wear and tear in your body makes you a depreciating asset though.

40% is the incremental rate for earnings above £45k. so taking someone on $100k based in NY their effective tax rate would be 25% vs someone in the UK on the GBP equivalent and their effective tax rate is also 25%.

The breakpoints in the 2 progressive tax systems are different and there’s obviously variable state taxes in the US but the UK only really starts pulling away at high levels of earnings (ie top 0.5%) and even then we’re talking 4-5% differences.

For that you get a better educated population where the best students get to go to the best schools rather than the students who won the lottery of life, you get universal healthcare along with a bunch of other things like a fairer benefits system, better drug addiction treatment, lower numbers of homeless people, lower % of the population incarcerated due to better rehabilitation programs etc. etc. that all lead to a much more socially cohesive country. But yeah, enjoy having your slightly less tax dollars being spent on military and defense.