^ sounds like my kind of deal.
I have a combination of standard buy-to let properties as well as 1 slumlord property.
If you can buy a new property without selling your current one and can then put a tenant in it that pays the remaining mortgage then why not.
The slumlord place is a 3 bedroom house in the slummiest block of flats you’ll have ever seen in your life in a place called Glenrothes. Saw it in the booklet for an auction, contacted the seller directly and after a number of months managed to get it for a good price. tarted it up for pennies and rented it out for with a 40% yield. made me wonder whether I could replicate that approach with scale.
The most important part is being able to afford the mortgage if/when you don’t have a tenant. Otherwise you’re just gambling.
Same here. Something has to diversify my LC exposure!!