Hiring Based on Looks

Does your company hire based on looks (as opposed to merit), and would you hire based on looks? If you would, what industry are you in and what’s your reasoning? I went from companies that hired purely based on merit, with the average age of like… 40’s decked out with credentials… to the extreme where it was mainly looks with average age late 20’s. (In other words, there were only two ways to get hired 1. you’re old and you’re a genius [far and few in between] or 2. you’re hot.) Eh, my personal thoughts on this is that there is a time and a place. If you’re in an industry where it’s heavily client-oriented and merit isn’t an important factor, then why not? BUT, if you’re turning down geniuses for a gorgeous airhead… that’s another story. Perhaps I saw too many Disney movies, but I was shocked to find that some companies in unexpected fields aggressively hire based on looks over merit - and yes, I believe it hurts the companies to an extent. I mean, I think both extremes suck - in the purely merit-based one, it would be harder for some to climb up the ladder, whereas the looks-based one, you have to have the looks! To put it in perspective, this doesn’t only apply to women, but also to men in how the average height at this place was 6 feet. You can literally form a basketball team with tall dudes (and they actually did!). I would not hire based on looks and only on merit & personality. Maybe my opinion is the minority here…

Are you implying that youre good looking?

Not implying - STATING. … No, I am actually the anomaly. I don’t know how I found myself in both environments, except for the fact that I’m a minority (race card plays a factor).

Looks is a factor, our last hire was between one decent candidate, and one good candidate. We took the decent candidate cause she was better looking.



Oh yeah, I forgot to mention - they even arranged the seating such that the women would sit where the clients would go back and forth, whereas all the men were hidden in the back. LOL! Interesting.

What field do oyu work in?

Accounting - weird huh? Most accounting firms I’ve been to had the stereotypical accountants. (When was the last time you were like, that is one HOT accountant!)

so you work at the most best-looking accounting firm?

Hands down - with the exception of the big 4 that actively hire college grads.

so the 5th best looking accounting firm? nice.

It has its price. I’m pretty sure there’s a lot more to life than being really, really, ridiculously good looking. And I plan on finding out what that is.

preaching to the choir hon, i know the pain

I am guessing big 4 and accounting look for good looks more than finance. I also think there are more females in accounting, auditing especially. I am also going to take a guess that say a quant trading firm could care less about what dress you have on lol when trading

Ocean Mist Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > Not implying - STATING. > > > > > > > … > No, I am actually the anomaly. I don’t know how I > found myself in both environments, except for the > fact that I’m a minority (race card plays a > factor). Ocean Mist, Find me on facebook. Search ‘Nuppal’ or just follow all the facebook server traffic to my page.

Wow, you’re not a liar either. So whats going on Misty?

Hansel, he’s so hot right now. Hansel.

Ocean Mist Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > It has its price. I’m pretty sure there’s a lot > more to life than being really, really, > ridiculously good looking. And I plan on finding > out what that is. You know what could really help sort through these difficult issues? Orange Mocha Frappuccino!!! Personally, I’m becoming a teacher at The Derek Zoolander Center For Kids Who Can’t Read Good and Want To Learn To Do Other Things Good To.

Although technical skill and personality are a clear 1 and 2, looks and presentation certainly matter, especially as a tiebreaker. Anyone who tells you differently is lying to you.