Hiring Based on Looks

we dont’ hire on looks over here for sure. ppl that work here have to be good with computers and nerdy stuff and hot babes normally don’t get involved with that sort of stuff. Just about all the chicks are ugly except for one hot babe who is damm hot but not damm hot when relative to chicks who are damm hot. i still would marry her though. classy babe who can wear the pumps.

I’d say 20% of analysts are attractive, 40% of PMs are attractive, and 75% of marketers are attractive. Take from that what you will. My gf is an attractive Blasian and she has litterally never not gotten a job for which she has interviewed. She is qualified and smart but lots of people are that. Lots of people are not attractive super minorities.

NakedPuts Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > Although technical skill and personality are a > clear 1 and 2, looks and presentation certainly > matter, especially as a tiebreaker. Anyone who > tells you differently is lying to you. it depends…i’ve seen some people get hired purely on looks/personality. people can be trained to do a job so some people hire those they want to be around all day. the first company i worked at hired this incredibly fun, good-looking chick to become a pm and all she did all day was study for the cfa. every day she came in, got some coffee, sat in a meeting room and studied. she failed L1 the first time, so they came her another 6 months. failed again. her hiring manager was upset, but gave her a third chance. failed. she left for another gig and he was fired for hiring her (and being a f-ing moron - imho).

It matters

hot girls always win

ASSet_MANagement Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > Wow, you’re not a liar either. > > So whats going on Misty? LOL! What do you mean? When you mentioned FB, I am suddenly afraid for my job. I’m totally gonna get outed aren’t I. O_O

allegro-cpa/cfa Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > hot girls always win Not really. Being too hot can be a problem. The boss’s wife can make the boss’s life miserable, and she certainly doesn’t want to see some hot azz trolling around the office.

I definitely think that merit and ability to perform one’s job exceptionally well are most important in roles that require great analysis, insight and execution. In private equity, mostly everyone I worked with was well-groomed, polished (both in terms of appearance as well as communication skill), and athletic. it’s hard to say whether the athleticism contributed more to their looks or their competitive drive, or which matters more. I do believe that people in my industry are hired primarily based on their ability to perform…however, looks are definitely a factor in hiring whether or not people consciously realize the influence of attractiveness. With that said, the importance of looks is definitely something that matters more or less depending on industry. I can certainly see how they’d be more important in a client-facing role, be it investment banking, consulting, marketing, politics, etc…

Ocean Mist Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > Not implying - STATING. > > > > > > > … > No, I am actually the anomaly. I don’t know how I > found myself in both environments, except for the > fact that I’m a minority (race card plays a > factor). LOL modesty anyone?

Why do you people keep placing looks and intelligence/talent as mutually exclusive; much of the time I see them one as the same. If you are a fat slob, how fast is your brain actually working? Initiate some cardio and weight training or martial arts to increase the circulation - thereby getting an attractive physique. Change the diet for good fats to the brain which will aid you when solving PDEs, SDEs and those numerical constructs. No philosopher kings on this forum I surmise…just a bunch of BOM toolbags. Sometimes I read these posts and makes me want to burn my Charter…

^ My point exactly. Talent and attractiveness aren’t mutually exclusive. I wish people would stop being so shallow and realize I have much more to offer than just being really really ridiculously good looking.

^Ironically, all of the philosophy professors I’ve had were very unkempt and borderline socially inept. I would definitely say that the most trim people I’ve met were in the business & law fields. With that being said, looks to a certain extent is a matter of how much you upkeep - which is a choice. I don’t think intelligence / talent is as much of a choice. In fact, it’s harder to find geniuses than it is to find a hot person. Are you clowning on my thread man? Is it showdown time? Dude, seriously though, I create threads when I see an influx of questions like “How to calculate LIFO?” “HOLD & PUT!” Don’t you already do enough of that at your job? Do you like to do that during your free time man?

Intelligence is a choice; a person can decide to build more neural connections through different stimulation just like building massive biceps. Genius is very subjective…a certain minimal level of intelligence is achievable by most. Attractiveness is very subject…a certain level of hotness is achievable by most. I surmise 75%+ are controllable factors for appearance and intelligence. With all the choices today (nutrition, exercise, …surgery… or informational resources - internet, publications), there are no excuses for ugly and stupid people --> unless the person is under extreme poverty. Throw down? Your posts make me want to throw up instead…

Ocean Mist Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > Dude, seriously though, I create threads when I > see an influx of questions like “How to calculate > LIFO?” “HOLD & PUT!” Don’t you already do enough > of that at your job? Do you like to do that during > your free time man? I think I’m in love. (only if you’re female…otherwise please disregard, thx)

Of course looks matter, I feel sorry for fat asses when I interview them because I know they aren’t going to get hired. Of course I’m in the front office and have to deal with clients, I guess ugly people are okay for being digital janitors(IT/back office)

Merrill definitely has the hottest chicks

All the hot girls work in big four audit, from what I hear on the street. Never worked there though/

Hey man, you were the one that entered my thread & you ended up regretting it. So I win. Haha, there’s no need to get hostile man. I was kidding. Perhaps I joke too much up in here and should post about more CFA stuff. No but really, this forum helped me on job / career / designation information so I do appreciate that aspect. However, I like being a social being as well and stupid stuff amuse me from time to time.

Numi, yes - great minds think alike. :wink: HOLLAR!

Jscott24 Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > Merrill definitely has the hottest chicks i thought vickie’s did??? hmmmm maybe they have a finance/audit dept…