Pregant Mom writting a CFA exam

Anyone have such an experience? My due date is middle of July. It will be my first baby, anybody knows how hard is it going to be like?

I think a lot of people have done it - seems like at least one here every year. Congrats, but sitting in that chair for 6 hours when you are 8 months pregnant won’t be fun.

Wow…congratulations indeed…my respect to you Artist. Willy

Artist Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > Anyone have such an experience? My due date is > middle of July. It will be my first baby, anybody > knows how hard is it going to be like? What’s the deal with women today ? It’s your first baby. If that isn’t enough of a challenge, you want to write the CFA exam while 8 months pregnant. Not a good idea. Nothing’s impossible, but for crissakes, women should get a grip on what’s more important in life.

good luck Artist…looks like the rest of you guys have it pretty easy

GO for it. Didn’t some bloak just run a marathon while giving birth?

virginCFAhooker Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > GO for it. Didn’t some bloak just run a marathon > while giving birth? What’s a bloak? The only definition I could find was this: But that can’t be right. And over here a “bloke” is a man - so that can’t be right either. I know Paula Radcliffe ran a marathon whilst pregnant, but not whilst giving birth - it was deemed a health and safety hazard to the other competitors - they might slip on the placenta. Please explain…

Ugh… nevermind.

Gadzooks. I just wish I hadn’t read that.

Yeah seriously. I’m sure the stress of preparing and writing the exam won’t be exactly beneficial to your unborn child. If I had a wife, I’d tell her to bag it.

First congrats and good luck. My advice is to put your health ahead of this exam. You will be able to tell if it is phsically possible and don’t blame yourself if it isn’t. As a father of three and a level 3 candidate, I honestly think the next 2 exams will be more of a challenge given they are much harder and you are adding parent to your list of responsibilities.

If i was your husband, i would say flag it. 8 months pregnant and you want to sit a 6 hour exam? that cant possibly very comfortable for you or your baby.

Son of Man Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > Yeah seriously. I’m sure the stress of preparing > and writing the exam won’t be exactly beneficial > to your unborn child. If I had a wife, I’d tell > her to bag it. C’mon. This is such condescending nonsense. Working your brain hard to study for an exam has absolutely no harmful effects to a developing baby. If you had a wife and you told her to stop studying because she was pregnant, if she had any sort of moxie at all she would tell you to get bent.

TokyoBBB Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > If i was your husband, i would say flag it. > > 8 months pregnant and you want to sit a 6 hour > exam? that cant possibly very comfortable for you > or your baby. Sure - because the baby is suspended in this amniotic fluid filled sack and the baby really cares whether you are sitting down taking an exam or watching television or doing the dishes.

Trust me, it is much easier to study BEFORE you have the baby. I studied for level 2 with a 2 yr old. Everytime I disappeared to study, he would look for me saying “where’s mommy?” I am pregnant with #2 now, but due at the end of March. I am going to put level 3 off for one more year. Good luck - you will be fine. You can do this.

My initial post was out of genuine concern for the fetus and was not meant to be condescending. Working your brain hard probably won’t be harmful, but I’m sure studying and taking the exam will add a layer of stress which I don’t see being beneficial to a developing baby.

Graduate schools are full of pregnant women who have fine healthy babies despite studying for qualifying exams and having a pretty tough mental go of it. I’ve never heard of anyone being hurt by it. (My wife gave birth to my first child at 10:00 AM when my second qualifier started at 9:00 - I had my books in the delivery room).

Congratulations. +ves - Positive feeling about pretty much everything and look great. -ves - Frequent restroom breaks, a little back pain, frequent but short eating breaks, a little tired, morning sickness (some parts of everyday), some sleep trouble and lastly, extremely impatient for the baby to arrive. The above, are things my wife experienced when she was 8 months pregnant. Incidently, the Nov 17 Economist has an article about stress and reproduction (Science and technology/Stress city). Good luck.

Thank you all for the valuable inputs. I thought about the pros and cons, the uncertainties are what I fear the most: how am I going to feel at that point. Thanks to Swisira to giving me a picture here. Since it is going to be my first baby, I guess I will have to learn lots on keep myself stay healthy, and how to take care of the baby when he/she comes out… To be honest, I haven’t make up my mind jet. But one thing for sure is that we shouldn’t give up on this baby just because we haven’t received our professional destination.

Congrats! It is impossible to predict now how you will feel in six months. I took the CFA Level I when I was six month pregnant, I was feeling really good and it did not bother me studying for the exam and taking it. I even felt it was relieving some of the pressure, as I knew there was something much more important than taking and passing an exam. Ultimately, I took the exam, the baby was born healthy and I even managed to pass. I then registered for Level II, got pregnant again, and felt really bad late May and early June, and decided not to show up for the exam, and postponed it a couple of years until the two little ones were a bit older. Okay, I lost a bit of money, but it could have happened for loads of other reasons. So, just do what you feel is good, and I am sure it will be fine.