Pregant Mom writting a CFA exam

I don’t think I can do it now. I feel tired and sleepy for the whole day :frowning:

You can do anything you set your mind to. I feel tired and sleepy all day, too, but I’m certainly not pregnant. After our child was born (now 3 1/2 years old), neither my wife nor I got more than 2 consecutive hours of sleep for about a year. You learn to deal with it, and move on. If not now, when? I feel confident in recommending you do whatever it is your heart tells you to do. If you want the CFA designation, please don’t put it off any longer. Having a child or children running around the house and keeping you up all night can be a much more difficult distraction than having one in your belly (or so my wife continues to remind me).

anyone heard from artist again? did she wrote the exam? anyone else wrote CFA exam late in their pregnancy?

quack quack to ya all. Mama no takes test, she borns me in 2007. Me 2.5 years and no speak yenglish good. I draw nice, as my mama is Artist. I listen to old CFA-L1 songs by Schweser and fell sleepy … bye bed time … da.da.!

wtf ? she gave birth to a duck ?

You should call CFAi, tell them you were reviewing the exam day guidelines and wanted to clarify whether fetus’ are permitted in the exam room as they’re not listed on the rule sheet. *Edit: Just realized this was an old post, wondered where JDV came from.

The fetus is allowed in the room, just make sure it is using one of the approved calculators.

storko Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > wtf ? > she gave birth to a duck ? I no duckling. I poo on you if you make me cry. Mama felt very tired and sleep when I was inside and she no takes exam. Mama used to read me horror stories about how they assumed volatility was constant and known to derive a BSM equation, on how a butterfly condor was not always so colorful, on how there is this colorless rainbow-arch called the ARCH of heteroskedasticity. I very scare… and know the finance world is cruel… glad mama didn’t pursue her goals to study her CFA. Proud of my creator… she says ‘hi’ to the forum… she has her own Art gallery on 5th Ave and wants ya all to visit after trading hours. Quack … I just threw up, no typing too much, badd… for baby fingers… I go French class, you enjoy… tada.

i wish i could punch your face through my computer screen. stfu.

^ Artist Jr wishes you all the best for your interview. Life is so chilling with no exam … but I do have a Kindergarden jump rope entrance exam comin up on 5th June. Any tips to control my bowels for the duration of the exam (3hrs - break - 3hrs)? Also do you think growing up is important? Mama wants me to learn the Periodic table backwards and she gives me extra doze of proteins and vitamins… I want to be the curator of the louvre when I grow up… will that make me a fortune? or am I thinking a little to early?

LaGrandeFinale, greetings.

Papa is that you Papa?

MILF Hunter Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > LaGrandeFinale, greetings. Great Placement.

what is pregant anyway? is this before she found the post-gantt tools of MS Project?

Sup with the fresh meat round here?

I was sitting for Dec exam and gave birth to my first baby girl last year in mid February. I would say go for it! It was very rewarding to know that i have passed LI before i had my baby. And you have a benefit of having two brains of working on one exam)))). I am know a CFA Level II candidate, full-time work, and a 10.5 months baby girl. It is waaaay harder to study now, when it was last year, when she was in my belly. So enjoy the time with her inside you, and good luck on the exam. P.S. Just do not drink a lot of water on the day of the exam Bring a sweat shirt so you can fold it behind your back Stay in a nearby hotel to avoid getting up early and getting to the test center, stress on the way, etc Have lunch ready - preferably your husband/boyfriend waiting outside with it

I am a 2.5 year old fresh meat. And kseniaru aunty is lying - it’s very difficult to concentrate when I kick from inside and Artist would bubble C instead of B due to the kimpact.


sherbeer Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > anyone heard from artist again? did she wrote the > exam? > anyone else wrote CFA exam late in their > pregnancy? Are you pregnant?

preggers? how are you going to pursue a career in finance with a new born at home? dont all women just latch onto a man then get pregnant then just raise a family?