CFA Chicks

This topic kinda came up in numi’s recent tell-all expose but just wanted to get some input from the board… So I recently met this little nugget studying CFA , she’s a bit older but definitley pretty hot. We’ve been hanging pretty regular and obviously have a lot in common (studying, etc…) I can tell she is definitley jocking my $hit. Without going into too much detail I’ll just say that shes probably one of the few girls I’ve met in awhile that I respect on the intellectual front. Just curious if anyone has been in a similar situation before? Not sure whether dating a finance chick will end up giving me headaches (work life balance ala numi’s post) or would be worth it? Basically trying to come up with some pros and cons. Thanks for the input.

Listen to your heart. Find your inner peace. Embrace love. Smell the roses.

KJH Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > Listen to your heart. Um, no, I think you need to listen to the part of your body that is somewhat south of the heart.

KJH Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > Listen to your heart. Find your inner peace. > Embrace love. Smell the roses. haahah…! I knew what you are saying. I sometime wonder what my life would be like if I am married to Megan Kelly (one of the Fox news chick). Then, I figure it will hard to have a light conversation topic with a woman that smart and well-informed. I wouldn’t want to work all day, then talk more finance at the dinner table.

Whatever you do, don’t do it before the exam!

Every chick I’ve ever dated has been in the same field as me. I actually prefer that to dating a chick with a lower social/intellectual standing, say like a secretary or something, because I have a difficult time tolerating stupidity.

^some athletes do it right before the race, it doesn’t really matter attack

Thank you KJH, JTLD ws- I kinda like having some intellectual discussions with this person. Talking to my ex was painful in that regard. frisian - Agree, definitley holding out on this.

I like intelligence. However, an ability to disconnect from things and have fun and be a little silly is also important. And there are people out there who are intellectual and smart, but somehow they feel that if they haven’t bashed down every possible position you take, it must mean they’re dumber than you and they can’t handle that (even if you’re not suggesting anything of the kind). You need to avoid that kind of “intelligence”.

Tolerating stupidity is definitely tough, however, I dislike the idea of dating someone in finance. Therefore I try to find smart arts women. They benefit is they think I’m really smart because I have a job.

pics or it didn’t happen

Have fun, but don’t get too attached - it’s important to diversify your family. A good fit would be someone with a non-cyclical career. That way you can take some risk and buy those 40 cent mining company shares you always dreamed would make you rich :wink:

Look up ‘Women Know Your Limits’ on YouTube, it’s hilarious.

kblade Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > pics or it didn’t happen +1

JohnThainsLimoDriver Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > kblade Wrote: > -------------------------------------------------- > ----- > > pics or it didn’t happen > > > +1 ok, ok since you guys are twisting my arm… she’s a cutie no?

The biggest con for me was the unpredictability of the girl’s work schedule. I like to have my social calendar planned pretty far in advance because I have a lot of various functions to potentially attend. I think if you’ve got a good connection with the girl, then definitely go for it – what she does for a living is less relevant than her ability to take care of you. However, if you find yourself putting in a lot of thought into your situation (as I have been), it may be more trouble than it’s worth. You also run the risk of becoming too much of a chaser (instead of the one that’s being chased).

h t t p : / / t i n y u r l dot com / o n 8 8 9 x

If you have to plan s*x then you’re probably not ready for it.

Well seeing how I’m an analyst is only makes sense for me to analyze this… go figure…

Horrible Idea!!! What if she passes and you fail. You know she will find the biggest strap on and make sure that you cant sit long enough to take level 2 next year